
Infocodes contain additional information on POS sales. They are used for the following purposes:

  • Reason codes for POS actions - when the cashier performs the action, the system prompts the cashier for an input. These actions are, for example, returning goods, voiding a transaction, giving discounts. Assigning a flight number reason code to the start of the transaction is an example of a reason code for a POS action.
  • Additional information when certain items, retail product groups, and item categories are sold.
  • Additional information for tender types and currency.
  • Additional information for income and expense accounts.
  • Additional information for customer accounts.

Where data is stored

The POS Trans. Infocode Entry table stores the selected input until the transaction is posted.

When the transaction is posted, the Trans. Infocode Entry table contains the selected input, ready for analysis.

Specialized infocode usage

Infocodes of type Create Data Entry and Apply to Entry are used by the system (no prompting) when application entries are assigned to vouchers and gift cards.

Infocodes are used for cross-selling - for each list of items or questions you want to display when a particular item is to be sold. You link the selection codes of the infocode to specific items or let them be answers to a question.

Infocodes have a specific use for hospitality (these features can be used independent of hospitality):

  • As item modifiers - the selected input is an actual item that is added as a modifier to an item.
  • As text modifiers - the selected input is a predefined text that is added as a modifier to an item.
  • As time modifiers - the selected input is a predefined text that is added as a modifier to an item and specifies how long the item should be cooked.

See also

How to: Create Infocodes

How to: Assign Infocodes

Input - What is Required, What is Allowed

Linking and Grouping Infocodes

Triggering - Automatic or By Request

Creating Infocodes with Selection