Input - What is Required, What is Allowed

For all infocodes (cross-selling and modifiers), it is very important to control the input entered or selected by the user.

Is input required?

The basic behavior of an infocode is determined by whether input is required.

As a response to an infocode, the user can choose to enter nothing as input or select to cancel entering input.

But if the infocode requires input, the program will not allow the user to continue. The user must either cancel the line that triggers the infocode or select input a second time (the infocodes are displayed again).
For example, if giving discounts requires an infocode input, canceling the infocode input cancels the discount given. If the user cancels an item modifier input that is required for an item, the user can either let the program remove the item line or get a chance to select an item modifier again.

Is there a limit on a numeric input or a text input?

If the Type of the infocode is Numeric Input, you can minimize input errors by setting a minimum value and/or a maximum value.

If the Type of the infocode is Text Input, you can minimize input errors by setting a minimum length and/or a maximum length.

The system automatically checks for the validity of an input to an infocode of type Item Input, Date Input, Customer Input, and Staff Input.

Is multiple selection allowed?

The only infocodes that can allow multiple selection are of Type Selection. This includes modifiers and cross-selling.

If multiple selection is allowed, you can set minimum and maximum selection restrictions on codes that are selected in response to the infocode:

  • For infocodes (modifiers and cross-selling) you can set these restrictions on two levels: for the infocode and then for each selection subcode.
  • For group infocodes (modifiers and cross-selling), you have three levels of restrictions: the group, the infocodes in the group, and the selection subcodes within each infocode in the group.


The Travel Reasons infocode has multiple selection. It allows you to select a maximum of 3 codes out of its 11 selection codes. Each selection code can only be selected once and has a maximum selection of 1.

The Wrap item modifier group has multiple selection. It has minimum selection 1 and maximum selection 5 (more modifiers are too much to include in the wrap). It groups together 3 modifiers: sauce, vegetables, and meat. Each of these modifiers have multiple selection. Sauce has maximum selection 3, meat has maximum selection 1, and vegetables maximum selection 2. Modifiers for the wrap can be a selection of 3 types of sauce, 2 types of vegetables and 1 type of meat. There can never be more than 5 selections from these three.