Triggering - Automatic or by Request

Usually, infocodes are triggered automatically:

  • When the POS action they are assigned to occurs.
  • When the tender type or currency they are assigned to is used.
  • When the customer account they are assigned to is used.
  • When the income or expense account they are assigned to is used.
  • When application entries are assigned to vouchers and gift cards.

Infocodes that are assigned to items, retail product groups, and item categories such as cross-selling, item, text and time modifiers, have two ways of being triggered:

  • Automatically - when the item they are assigned to is selected in the transaction, or when an item in the retail product group or item category they are assigned to is selected.
  • Upon request - that is, when a button is pressed with either of these two commands:
    • INFO_REQLI_ALL - This POS command requests the processing of infocodes with any triggering for the item selected in the Sales POS window. This is for example used for Item Modifiers. If there is a maximum selection for the infocode, the program will not allow you to request infocodes if the maximum selection has been reached already (that is, this is not the first time you request infocodes for this item). You can only add to your selection for an infocode upon request, not remove or change your existing selection. To change an item that has been added through an infocode, you need to void the added item and request infocodes again.
    • INFO_REQLI_REQ - This POS command requests the processing of infocodes with triggering On Request for the item selected in the Sales POS window. Infocodes with triggering Automatic will not be dealt with (they have already come up when the item was selected). This is for example used for Item Modifiers. If there is a maximum selection for the infocode, the program will not allow you to request infocodes if the maximum selection has been reached already (that is, this is not the first time you request infocodes for this item). You can only add to your selection for an infocode upon request, not remove or change your existing selection. To change an item that has been added through an infocode, you need to void the added item and request infocodes again.