
If you run into problems, find a bug, or just have suggestions for what we could do better, contact us at LS Retail via the Support feature on the LS Retail Portal (login required).

Important note of advice

In all cases of errors or missing data, you should always start by upgrading the Data Director to the latest version. There may be fixes already published that could solve your problem. If the problem still comes up after the upgrade, you can go through the debugging methods described in this section to figure out where the problem is and where in the process it fails.

You can find FAQ sections here that are updated with the latest information on fixes or workarounds that have been reported. Check out How to guides with information on how to set up DD to handle different setups and other useful information on how to operate DD.

If you are sending in a bug report, attach the debug and other files that would be helpful in finding out what could be wrong. These files are located under the Data folder path (see Configuration tool for location):

  • Log: Includes all Debug files from DD Processes
  • Work: Includes Job and Data files that are waiting to be processed
  • Keep: Data job files kept after a job has been processed
  • Archive: Includes Job files of processed jobs
  • Temp: If you dump the Queue data from the Configuration Tool this is where you would find that file.

It is very helpful to include the Log files that show the error or the process before the error occurs. Log files are found in the Log folder. Activate Debug Logging in the DD Configuration Tool, in the Debugging tab, by typing the Debug level values for the processes or client control files.

If the problem is a job that always gets a processing error from the Database, include the job files from the work folder. You will find 3-4 files for each job, and they are marked PAKID-XXXX.xml. These files include the HEAD File, which has the information that used be stored in the Incoming/Outgoing table, the IDAT file that has the Incoming Data, and RDAT that has the Outgoing data. You also see a ZIP file there and that is the file that is going to be sent over to the next host, or a ZIP file coming in from a remote host

Note: Do not play with the files in the work folder or lock them with other applications. This will affect the working behavior of the DD. If you need to cancel a job or check for job statuses, use the Job Monitor Application.

If you want a fresh start for DD, shut down the DD system, and delete all files in the Work folder, reset the Queue status, and clear out all jobs. Then start DD again.

See also


FAQ and Known Issues

Event Viewer

Troubleshooting IIS

Troubleshoot Data Director 2.2x.xx


Debug Data Director Web Service

Debug Connection Problem or Error When Running a Job

Debugging Data Inconsistencies

Debugging Missing Data in Nav/Central Replication