Store Inventory

In this article

Stock Counting

Inventory Adjustment

Purchasing and transfer

Retail picking and receiving

See also

Store Inventory helps you to manage your stock at different locations. Aggregated Inventory for LS Central supports the following Store Inventory features.

Stock Counting

Refer to Inventory Counting for a detailed description of how to do stock counting in LS Central. When Aggregated Inventory is active, the aggregated location is displayed in the Store Inventory Worksheets.

If you have access to the Counting Manager action menu, you can run the Recalculate Lines and the Insert Not Counted actions. Both actions recalculate the Qty. (Calculated) field. For store locations, Aggregated Inventory ensures that this field shows the correct inventory based on both the Item Ledger Entries and the Aggregated Inventory Entries.

Inventory Adjustment

Refer to Inventory Adjustments for a detailed description of how to perform inventory adjustment in LS Central. When Aggregated Inventory is active, the aggregated location is displayed in the Store Inventory Worksheets.

Upon posting the worksheet, the system creates relevant Item Ledger Entries and Aggregated Inventory Entries. The Item Ledger Entries shows the inventory at the aggregated location, while the Aggregated Inventory Entries keeps track of the inventory at the store location.

Purchasing and transfer

Check out How to: Create a Purchase Order or Purchase Return Order in Store Inventory for a detailed description of this functionality in LS Central. When Aggregated Inventory is active, the aggregated location is displayed in the Store Inventory Worksheets. Upon posting the worksheet, the system creates a new purchase order and populates the Store No. and the Location Code fields with the specific store's number and location. When the order is released or reopened, the location will be switched to the aggregated location, as explained in the Concept Description page.

Check out How to: Do a Transfer in Store Inventory for a detailed description of this functionality in LS Central. When Aggregated Inventory is active, the aggregated location is displayed in the Store Inventory Worksheets. Upon posting the worksheet, the system posts a transfer to move inventory from one store to another. As a result, you will find relevant Item Ledger Entries and Aggregated Inventory Entries. The Item Ledger Entries show the inventory at the aggregated location, while the Aggregated Inventory Entries keep track of the inventory at the store location.

Retail picking and receiving

You can pick and receive sales, purchase and transfer orders using Retail Picking and Receiving. You can perform these processes in Business Central or using Mobile Inventory for LS Central. Aggregated Inventory supports both methods and ensures that the following functions work correctly:

  • Look up documents that belong to a specific store.
  • Retrieve outstanding document lines that belong to a specific store.
  • Post picking and receiving lines. The system will create relevant Item Ledger Entries and Aggregated Inventory Entries.

Note:  As a user, you will not notice any changes in the user interface or processes. The above mentioned modifications only affect background tasks, enabling the system to incorporate the logic for aggregated location.

See also

Master Data Configuration

Document Handling

Journal Handling
