Concept Description

In this article

Switching location on release

Switching location on reopen

Updating dimensions on release and reopen

Results after Posting

Preview Posting

Availability Check

Aggregated Inventory pages

Item Availability pages

See also

Aggregated Inventory for LS Central handles relevant document flows and processes to ensure that inbound and outbound inventory movements are posted to the aggregated location instead of the store location.

Switching location on release

Both the store location and aggregated location are displayed on document list and card pages, for example the Retail Purchase Order list and card. When you create a new document, you populate the Store No. and the Location Code fields with the specific store's number and location.

Upon releasing the document, the system automatically clears the Store No. and changes the Location Code to the aggregated location. This is the aggregated location assigned to the store location as configured on the Location card. After release, the store's number and location are kept in the Aggr. Inv. Source Store No. and Aggr. Inv. Source Location Code fields.

Note: This functionality applies to both the document header and line, with some exceptions:

  • For partially shipped or received lines, the location is not switched.
  • For headers and lines having locations that are not activated for Aggregated Inventory, the location is not switched.
  • For correction documents having non-empty Applies-to Doc. No. field.
  • For correction lines having non-empty Appl.-to Item Entry or Appl.-from Item Entry fields.
  • For invoice and credit memo lines that are linked to posted receipts or shipments.

The following table gives you an overview of which information is kept in which field before and after release:

Field Before the document is released After the document is released
Header - Store No. The store's number Empty
Header - Location Code The store's location The aggregated location
Header - Aggr. Inv. Source Store No. Empty The store's number
Header - Aggr. Inv. Source Location Code Empty The store's location
Line - Location Code The store's location The aggregated location
Line - Aggr. Inv. Source Store No. Empty The store's number
Line - Aggr. Inv. Source Location Code Empty The store's location

Note: The same logic applies for Transfer Orders where the Store-from/to and the Transfer-from/to Code fields will be changed upon releasing.

Switching location on reopen

When you reopen the document, the system automatically retrieves the store's number and location from the Aggr. Inv. Source Store No. and Aggr. Inv. Source Location Code fields, and restores them back to the Store No. and the Location Code fields.

Note: This functionality applies to both the document header and line, with the same exceptions as mentioned above in Switching location on release.

The following table gives you an overview of which information is kept in which field before and after reopen:

Field Before the document is reopened After the document is reopened
Header - Store No. Empty The store's number
Header - Location Code The aggregated location The store's location
Header - Aggr. Inv. Source Store No. The store's number Empty
Header - Aggr. Inv. Source Location Code The store's location Empty
Line - Location Code The aggregated location The store's location
Line - Aggr. Inv. Source Store No. The store's number Empty
Line - Aggr. Inv. Source Location Code The store's location Empty

Note: The same logic applies for Transfer Orders where the Store-from/to and the Transfer-from/to Code fields will be changed upon reopening.

Updating dimensions on release and reopen

On release

The document's dimensions are updated to combine the dimensions of the store, the store location, and the aggregated location. If the aggregated location has other Dimensions than the store location, these are added to the document's dimensions. If the aggregated location has the same Dimensions as the store location but with different Dimension Values, the new values replace the existing values.

On reopen

The document's dimensions are updated to reflect the dimensions of the store and the store location. The dimensions and dimension values of the aggregated location are removed.

Results after Posting

After you have posted a receipt or shipment for a store location that is activated for Aggregated Inventory, the Item Ledger Entries show the inventory at the aggregated location while the Aggregated Inventory Entries keep track of the inventory at the store location.

Preview Posting

When you run the Preview Posting action to see the list of to-be-created entries, the system displays the Item Ledger Entries and the Aggregated Inventory Entries. These are the entries that are be created when the document is actually posted.

Availability Check

When you create a line to record an outbound inventory movement of an item, for example via a sales order, the system checks the availability, and gives you a warning if the item is not in stock. By default, this availability check is based on the information in the Item Ledger only. However, Aggregated Inventory performs the availability check by considering both the Item Ledger and the Aggregated Inventory Entries. It calculates the inventory availability at the stores, and only gives you warning if the item is not in stock using both information sources.

Aggregated Inventory pages

  1. Aggregated Inventory Entries

    In this page, you can view Aggregated Inventory Entries and navigate to related documents and entries.

  2. Aggregated Inventory Items - Overview

    This page shows the list of all items and their inventory. You can set multiple filters, for example to see location specific inventory.

  3. Field Description
    Inventory Specifies the inventory acc. to the Item Ledger Entries.
    Aggr. Inventory (Store Location) Specifies the inventory acc. to the Aggr. Inventory Entries having Source Location (Store) matches the current Location Filter.
    Aggr. Inventory (Aggr. Location) Specifies the inventory acc. to the Aggr. Inventory Entries having Location (Aggr.) matches the current Location Filter.
    Qty. Sold not Posted Specifies the quantity already sold at the POS but not yet posted into the Item Ledger.
    Actual Inventory Specifies the actual inventory. It equals to Inventory + Aggr. Inventory (Store Locations) - Aggr. Inventory (Aggr. Locations) - Qty. Sold not Posted.
  4. Aggregated Inventory Posting Error Checks

    This page serves as a sanity check that provides information on whether there is any mismatch or discrepancy.

  5. FastTab Field Description
    Inventory at Aggregated Location Aggregated Location Specifies the Aggregated Location.
    Inventory at Aggregated Location Item Ledger - Aggr. Location Specifies the total quantity posted to Aggregated Location in the Item Ledger.
    Inventory at Aggregated Location Aggr. Inventory Entries - Aggr. Location Specifies the inventory at Aggregated Location, according to the Aggregated Inventory Entries
    Discrepancy Item Ledger - Quantity Mismatch Specifies the mismatch quantity between Item Ledger Entries and Aggregated Inventory Entries.
    Discrepancy Aggr. Inventory Entries - Missing References Specifies the quantity in Aggregated Inventory Entries that have no references to Item Ledger Entries.
    Inventory at Store Locations Open Item Ledger - Store Locations Specifies the total quantity posted, but not yet applied in all Store Locations in the Item Ledger.

Item Availability pages

In the Retail Item Card you see the inventory in the Item Inventory FactBox. Two new fields have been introduced to this FactBox, and they display the inventory according to the Aggregated Inventory Entries at the store locations and at the aggregated location.

The Actual Inventory is calculated based on four variables: the two new fields, the inventory according to the Item Ledger Entries and the quantity sold not posted. You can see the exact formula in the below table.

Field Description
Inventory Specifies the inventory acc. to the Item Ledger Entries.
Aggr. Inventory (Store Location) Specifies the inventory acc. to the Aggr. Inventory Entries having Source Location (Store) matching the current Location Filter.
Aggr. Inventory (Aggr. Location) Specifies the inventory acc. to the Aggr. Inventory Entries having Location (Aggr.) matching the current Location Filter.
Qty. Sold not Posted Specifies the quantity already sold at the POS but not yet posted into the Item Ledger.
Actual Inventory Specifies the actual inventory. It equals to Inventory + Aggr. Inventory (Store Locations) - Aggr. Inventory (Aggr. Locations) - Qty. Sold not Posted.

In the Retail Item Card, you can navigate to different pages that show item availability per Location, Variant, Period, and so on.

  • Click Related - Availability, and select the relevant page.

The following pages have been modified to show the correct inventory at store locations and aggregated location when Aggregated Inventory is activated:

  • Retail Item Avail. by Periods
  • Retail Item Avail. by Variant
  • Retail Item Avail. by Loc.
  • Retail Item - Variant Availability
  • Retail Item - Variant - Location Availability
  • Retail Item-Variant Dimension-Location Availability

Note: The Actual Inventory is calculated using the same formula as showed in the above table.

See also

Document Handling

Additional Functions

Supported Documents

Journal Handling