Journal Handling

In this article

Concept Description


Results after Posting

Preview Posting

Availability Check

Supported Journals

See also

Item Journals are typically utilized to make positive or negative inventory adjustments, and Aggregated Inventory for LS Central supports this functionality. The following is a detailed description of the changes that have been implemented.

Concept Description

To ensure that inbound and outbound inventory movements are accurately recorded at the aggregated location when Aggregated Inventory is activated, the system automatically switches the store location to the aggregated location upon validation of the Location Code field. This is the aggregated location assigned to the store location as configured on the Location card.

This behavior applies to the Item Journal and the Item Reclassification Journal, ensuring the consistency with how location is switched for documents.
Note: There are no changes made to the Revaluation Journal, as this journal does not create any inventory movements.

In these journals, you see a notification informing you that store location will be automatically switched to aggregated location based on the location setup. You have the option to mark this notification to prevent it from reappearing. If needed, you can enable it again in the My Notifications page.

The following table gives you an overview of which information is kept in which field before and after the validation of the Location Code field.

Field Before Location Code is validated After Location Code is validated
Location Code The store's location (from) The aggregated location
AGRI Source Location Code Empty The store's location (from)
New Location Code The store's location (to) The aggregated location
AGRI New Location Code Empty The store's location (to)


The journal line's dimensions are updated to combine the dimensions of the store location and the aggregated location. If the aggregated location has other Dimensions than the store location, they are added to the document's dimensions. If the aggregated location has the same Dimensions as the store location but with different Dimension Values, the new values replace the existing values.

Results after Posting

After you have posted lines on the Item Journal or the Item Reclassification Journal, for store locations that are activated for Aggregated Inventory, the Item Ledger Entries shows the inventory at the aggregated location, while the Aggregated Inventory Entries keeps track of the inventory at the store locations.

Preview Posting

When you run the Preview Posting action to see the list of to-be-created entries, the system displays the Item Ledger Entries and the Aggregated Inventory Entries. These are the entries that are be created when the journal is actually posted.

Availability Check

When you create a line to record an outbound inventory movement of an item, the system checks the availability and gives you a warning, if the item is not in stock. By default, this availability check is based on the information in the Item Ledger only. However, Aggregated Inventory performs the availability check by considering both the Item Ledger and the Aggregated Inventory Entries. It calculates the inventory availability at the stores, and only gives you warning if the item is not in stock using both information sources.

Supported Journals

Below is the list of standard journals in Business Central that are covered by Aggregated Inventory for LS Central.

  • Item Journal
  • Item Reclassification Journal

See also

Statement Posting

Document Handling

Store Inventory
