Statement Posting

In this article

How the Statement Posting process has changed?

How to manually Aggregate and Post Item Journal Lines?

How to automate the Aggregate & Post Item Journal Lines steps?

How to estimate the Aggregation rate?

See also

Aggregated Inventory for LS Central aims to make the adjusting and posting inventory costs processes faster. This is achieved by decreasing the number of Item Ledger Entries. When you post statements, especially for multiple stores, a lot of Item Ledger Entries get created. Currently, if you sell the same items in different stores, it creates a separate Item Ledger Entry for each item in each store.

With Aggregated Inventory activated, the system consolidates sales from all store locations into one aggregated location. So, if you sell the same items across multiple stores, all those sales are aggregated into a single Item Ledger Entry for each item in the aggregated location. Other factors like variants, posting date, and dimensions also affect whether sales get aggregated. The aggregation rate directly impacts performance — a higher aggregation rate means fewer Item Ledger Entries, resulting in less time needed to adjust and post inventory costs.

How the Statement Posting process has changed?

The following table compares the statement posting process before and after activating Aggregated Inventory.

  Aggregated Inventory not activated Aggregated Inventory activated
Manual Steps
  • Create and calculate statements for each store.
  • Post statements for each store.
  • Create and calculate statements for each store.
  • Post statements for each store.
  • Aggregate lines in the Item Journal Batch (Detailed).
  • Post the Item Journal Batch (Aggregated).
Automated Steps with Scheduler Jobs
  • Codeunit ID 99001479 Statement - Auto Calculate.
  • Codeunit ID 99001459 Schedule Batch Posting.
  • Codeunit ID 10059485 AGRI Aggr. & Post Item Jnl.
Results after statement posting
  • Financial transactions are posted to general ledger accounts and other accounts, such as bank, customer, vendor, and employee accounts.
  • Item Ledger Entries are created and the inventory is updated for the store locations.
  • Financial transactions are posted to general ledger accounts and other accounts, such as bank, customer, vendor, and employee accounts.
  • Item Ledger Entries are not yet created.
  • Aggregated Inventory Entries are created and the inventory is updated for the store locations.
  • Item lines are temporarily saved in the Aggregated Inventory Item Journal Batch (Detailed).
Results after item journal aggregation
  • Not applicable
  • Item lines are aggregated and moved to the Aggregated Inventory Item Journal Batch (Aggregated). Sales from all store locations are consolidated into one aggregated location.
Results after item journal posting
  • Not applicable
  • Item Ledger Entries are created for the aggregated location. Each Item Ledger Entry can point to one or many Aggregated Inventory Entries.

How to manually Aggregate and Post Item Journal Lines?

As explained by the table above, you must execute two extra steps to fully complete the statement posting process after Aggregated Inventory has been activated. The field Post Journal after Aggregation in the Retail Setup page controls whether the two steps aggregate and post Item Journal Lines are executed together or separately.

1. To execute aggregate and post together

  1. Activate the Post Journal after Aggregation field in the Retail Setup page.
  2. Open the Item Journals page for Aggregated Inventory Item Journal Batch (Detailed).
  3. Click Actions - Aggregated Inventory - Aggregate Journal Lines.

2. To execute aggregate and post separately

  1. Turn off the Post Journal after Aggregation field in the Retail Setup page.
  2. Open the Item Journals page for Aggregated Inventory Item Journal Batch (Detailed).
  3. Click Actions - Aggregated Inventory - Aggregate Journal Lines.
  4. Open the Item Journals page for Aggregated Inventory Item Journal Batch (Aggregated).
  5. Click Posting - Post.

How to automate the Aggregate & Post Item Journal Lines steps?

You can set up a Scheduler job to automatically aggregate and post Item Journal Lines. This job should be scheduled to run after the Statement Posting for all stores has been completed. You have options to run the two steps together or separately. We recommend you to run them together.

  1. To run the steps together, set up one Scheduler job for Codeunit ID 10059485 AGRI Aggr. & Post Item Jnl.
  2. To run the steps separately, set up one Scheduler job for Codeunit ID 10059485 AGRI Aggr. & Post Item Jnl with the Code parameter CALC and another one with the Code parameter POST. The first job is responsible for aggregating and the second one for posting.

How to estimate the Aggregation rate?

Is Aggregated Inventory for LS Central the right solution for your company? The answer depends on the daily volume of Item Ledger Entries currently generated and the expected decrease after activating Aggregated Inventory. This feature consolidates sales from multiple stores into a single aggregated location, but several factors influence this aggregation.

For aggregation to occur, certain criteria such as identical item numbers, variants, posting dates, customer numbers, dimensions, and other matching conditions must be met. Assuming all these criteria are fulfilled and only the store locations differ, let us look at a simple example to estimate the aggregation rate.

Example 1

Item Sold at how many stores today? How many Item Ledger Entries are created by statement posting? How many Item Ledger Entries are created with Aggregated Inventory activated?
1 20 20 1
2 20 20 1
3 20 20 1
4 20 20 1
5 20 20 1
6 20 20 1
7 20 20 1
8 20 20 1
9 20 20 1
10 20 20 1
Totals   200 10

Aggregation Rate: 95%

Example 2

Item Sold at how many stores today? How many Item Ledger Entries are created by statement posting? How many Item Ledger Entries are created with Aggregated Inventory activated?
1 2 2 1
2 2 2 1
3 2 2 1
4 2 2 1
5 2 2 1
6 2 2 1
7 2 2 1
8 2 2 1
9 2 2 1
10 2 2 1
Totals   20 10

Aggregation Rate: 50%

As demonstrated in the above examples, using Aggregated Inventory reduces the number of Item Ledger Entries. Furthermore, as more stores are selling more of the same items, there is a potential to achieve a higher aggregation rate.

See also

Document Handling

Journal Handling

Store Inventory
