Additional Functions

In this article

Copying documents

Creating new documents from Quote

Creating new documents from Blanked Order

Making document corrections

Undoing Posted Purchase Receipt and Return Shipment Lines

Undoing Posted Sales Shipment and Return Receipt Lines

Undoing Posted Transfer Shipment Lines

Drop Shipments and Special Orders

See also

To ensure that both inbound and outbound inventory movements are accurately reflected in the aggregated location, Aggregated Inventory for LS Central extends to cover additional functions such as copying documents, making document corrections, or Drop Shipment and Special Orders.

Here, you can find a detailed description of the modifications made to these functions.

Copying documents

When using the Copy Document function to create new documents based on existing documents, and if Aggregated Inventory is active, the Store No. and the Location Code fields of the new document are automatically populated based on the source store's number and the location of the original document. Upon releasing the document, the location is switched to the aggregated location, as explained in detail in the Concept Description page.

Sales and purchase documents are supported, allowing you to copy from open, posted, or archived documents.

Creating new documents from Quote

Aggregated Inventory supports creating new orders from Sales and Purchase Quotes. On the new order, the Store No. and the Location Code fields are automatically populated based on the source store's number and the location of the source Quote. Upon releasing the order, the location is switched to the aggregated location. This is in line with the logic explained in the Concept Description page.

Creating new documents from Blanked Order

Aggregated Inventory supports creating new orders from Sales and Purchase Blanket Orders. During this process, the Store No. and Location Code fields on the new order are automatically filled with the source store's number and location of the source Blanked Order. Upon releasing the document, the location is switched to the aggregated location, as explained in the Concept Description page.

Making document corrections

You have the option to correct or cancel a posted sales or purchase document. If Aggregated Inventory is active, the Store No. and the Location Code fields are automatically populated based on the source store's number and the location of the original document. Upon releasing the document, the location is switched to the aggregated location, as explained in detail in the Concept Description page.

Aggregated Inventory supports corrections for the following document types:

Sales Documents:

  • Invoice
  • Credit Memo
  • Receipt
  • Shipment

Purchase Documents:

  • Invoice
  • Credit Memo
  • Receipt
  • Shipment

Transfer Documents:

  • Shipment

Undoing Posted Purchase Receipt and Return Shipment Lines

You can undo posted purchase receipt and return shipment lines. Aggregated Inventory supports this functionality. To undo, the system generates a new line to revert the already received or shipped quantities. The new line has identical Store No. and Location Code as the original line.

As a result, the relevant Item Ledger Entries and Aggregated Inventory Entries are created to keep track of the inventory at the aggregated location and the store location.

Undoing Posted Sales Shipment and Return Receipt Lines

You can undo a posted sales shipment and return receipt lines. Aggregated Inventory supports this functionality. To undo, the system generates a new line to revert the already shipped or received quantities. The new line has identical Store No. and Location Code as the original line.

As a result, the relevant Item Ledger Entries and Aggregated Inventory Entries are created to keep track of the inventory at the aggregated location and the store location.

Undoing Posted Transfer Shipment Lines

You can undo posted transfer shipment. Aggregated Inventory supports this functionality. To undo, the system generates a new line to revert the already shipped quantities. The new line has identical Store-from/to and Transfer-from/to Code as the original line.

As a result, relevant Item Ledger Entries and Aggregated Inventory Entries are created to keep track of the inventory at the aggregated location and the store location.

Drop Shipments and Special Orders

For drop shipments and special orders, you would typically create the sales order first, and then add the item lines to a purchase order. Aggregated Inventory automatically copies the store's location of the sales lines to the Location Code field of the purchase lines. Upon releasing and reopening the purchase and sales documents, the location is switched to the aggregated location, as explained in the Concept Description page.

When you post the purchase order, the linked sales order will also be posted and the other way around. Aggregated Inventory Entries are generated when linked purchase receipts and sales shipments are posted.

See also

Document Handling

Concept Description

Supported Documents

Journal Handling