In this article

Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

See also

All screenshots and examples in the POS help articles are based on data in the Demo Data Company that is released with LS Central. The POS setup is very flexible and offers a lot of options to suit different needs. The LS Central Demo Data Company includes some stores and restaurants with different setups for the consultant or the person working with the POS setup to learn from. They can use the components as they wish in their setup.

This help is aimed at consultants and support personnel that need to learn how to set up and configure the POS in LS Central. General knowledge about retail, the base setup for LS Central as Stores and Terminals, and familiarity with using the POS is recommended for users of the help.

Some guidelines may touch other parts of LS Central.

To maximize the benefits of this help, we recommend that you explore the system itself and use the LS Central Demo Data Company while going through the help.

To See
Get an overview of the POS profile types and how they are used in the POS Setup. On POS Profiles
Set up a POS in a new company, Insert Default Data and use the Import Export Worksheet. Inserting Default DataHelpful Setup Tools
Set up data for the POS, such as Menu Profiles and Data Tables. Use Tags, Retail Images, Media Playlists, and more. Data
Set up the Style Profiles and their components, Skins, Fonts, and Color Setup. Appearance
Set up and work with Clienteling. Clienteling

Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

Term Description
POS Point of Sale, to start the POS use the Run POS operation. This POS is the standard LS Central POS.
Design Mode POS Design mode refers to a state that a super user can enter to manipulate the POS layout during run-time.
Normal Mode POS Normal mode refers to a state that a super user is in running the POS without activating the design mode.
Context Menu A context menu is the menu that appears when a user uses the right-click button.
Super user A user with special privileges. These privileges are set for the retail user.
POS Tag Contextual information from the sale or connected to the sale is associated with a tag, for example <#Discount>. This tag can then be used to display that contextual information in the POS.
Panel An area in the POS that consists of one or more controls. A panel can be of a fixed size or defined as big as the POS.
Clienteling An extension to the POS that adds a new "customer-in-store" experience to the POS. Using the Clienteling view, store staff can engage with the customer and navigate items in a way similar to what the customer is used to in web stores.

Tip: When setting up a new company in LS Central, import the relevant POS profiles from the demo data company as you like. It might be easier to build the new POS from some of the existing profiles.

See also





Hardware Station for LS Central

POS Search