KDS Item Routing

A vital part of a successful kitchen production system is to have a flexible item routing to the display stations and printers in the kitchen. For the KDS system, the routing is divided into two parts to minimize the setup.

Note: You can check your mapping against test criteria.

  1. First, you route the items to production sections.

  2. Then you map the production sections to display stations.

When the Hospitality POS sends an order line to the KDS:

  • It starts to find to which production sections the item on the line is routed to.
  • Then the system finds out to which KDS display(s) the production sections are mapped; Section Display Stat. Mappings.

All company retail items that need to be sent to and used by the KDS system need to be set up with KDS Routing information; that is, you need to set up which production sections the items belong to.