Food and Beverage Orders

A Food and Beverage order (FAB order) is a takeaway order that is either unpaid or paid and has not been picked up by the customer.

The FAB order is stored in the FAB Order table that keeps track of the status of the order. The POS transaction table stores the order item details. When paid, the POS transaction is moved to the Transaction Header and Sales Entry tables.

An FAB order can be created in the FAB Takeout panel in the POS or it comes from eCommerce via web services.

The FAB orders, regardless of where they were created, go through the same process in the FAB Takeout panel.

The FAB Takeout panel handles the process around FAB orders. It displays a list of FAB orders for the current day. From here you can create a new order, change orders, pay for orders, finalize them and mark as no-shows.

Once FAB orders are finalized, marked as no-shows or voided, they are moved to the Finalized FAB Order table.

To See
Learn about the Food and Beverage Takeaway process. The Food and Beverage Takeaway Process
Learn about how to set up the Food and Beverages Takeaway process. Setting Up the Food and Beverage Takeaway Process