Diebold Nixdorf

Functionalities that are supported:

  • Selling an item using barcodes and/or item ID.
  • Selling an item that requires the customer to enter a quantity.
  • Basket calculation using the same calculation engine as the LS Central POS uses. This includes customer line discounts (configured for all customers), periodic discounts.
  • Age limitation when selling an item.
  • Selling a scale item.
  • Item that is blocked from being sold will not be sold on the self-checkout device.
  • Translation of item descriptions can be done through normal LS Central item translation.
  • Voiding an item through the attendants menu.
  • Voiding a sale through the attendants menu.
  • Customer can manually enter a barcode, if necessary.
  • Sell an item by manually entering an item ID through the attendants menu.
  • Card payments through LS Pay by using the Hardware Station for LS Central.
  • Receipts are printed through the Hardware Station.
  • Card payment device and receipt printer are configured in the Hardware Station through the Hardware Profile in LS Central.

Note: You can see information about all the configurations needed for this functionality here.

See also

Feature Flags for SCO Connector

Configurations Within Retail BackOffice

SCO Item Profile Configurations

Configuration Package Setup