Configurations Within Retail BackOffice

POS terminal

To be able to use a POS terminal as a Self-Checkout Device, the POS terminal needs to have Terminal Type set as SCO Device. The terminal also needs to have an SCO Device Type configured.

Fill in these fields in the POS:

Configuration Description
Terminal Type This should be set to SCO Device for all terminals that are used as Self-Checkout Device.
SCO Device Type Select the SCO Device Type for this terminal.

Retail Item Card

A new FastTab, SCO Device, has been added to the Retail Item Card. This FastTab has the configurations that need to be set specifically for the Self-Checkout Connector itself.

Other properties that apply to all items will also be used for the SCO Connector functionality, such as Scale Item, No Discount Allowed, and so on.

Fill in these fields:

Configuration Description
Security Weight If the security scale should NOT take care of deciding what the weight of the item is, you must set this value. The security scale will then use this value to determine, if the correct item was added to the security scale.
SCO Item Profile This profile decides if the item can be sold on the SCO Device, and can also have different feature flags that apply to different device types for the item. This profile does not need to be on the item itself, it can also be set higher in the item hierarchy.

To block an item from being sold on the POS, you must set the status code to Blocked:

  1. On the Retail Item Card, click Related, then Master Data - Groups and Links - Item Status.
  2. In Item/Item Status Links, fill in the Status Code field:
Configuration Description
Status Code If set to BLSALE, the item is blocked for sale on a POS.

Store Card

  1. Go to Store List, and select a store.
  2. On the Store Card, click Related, then Store - Cash & Safe Management - Other - Tender Types.
  3. In the Tender Type List, fill out the Valid on SCO POS field :
Configuration Description
Valid on SCO POS If selected, this tender type can be used for payment on the SCO Device.

A tender type represents the payment type that can be used to finish a sale, for example a card, and so on.