Feature Flags for SCO Connector

In this article

SCO Connector

SCO Device Type

SCO Item Profile

See also

Feature flags are used extensively in the Self-Checkout (SCO) functionality. These flags can be set and used to control the behavior of the Self-Checkout (SCO) Connector. Feature flags can be set on an item, SCO Device, ro the SCO Connector, depending on the context of the feature flag.

LS Retail publishes a Rapidstart package with the feature flags that have been implemented and their default values. Here is a list of all possible feature flags, the values they can take, and if they apply to any specific devices.

SCO Connector

Feature flag Values SCO Comment
AuthorizationToken GUID Any The unique authorization token that is valid for this SCO Connector.
VoidUnconcludedSalesAtStartup true/false Any A sale is considered to be "unconcluded" when it has items in it but no payment. When an SCO Device is starting itself up, it usually asks for the latest sales information from the SCO Connector, and if the first sale that is sent from LS Central is an "unconcluded" transaction, this feature flag will decide if the SCO Connector will automatically void this transaction or display it as is with the items on it for the customer or attendant to finalize the sale in a normal way.

SCO Device Type

Feature flag Values SCO Comment
AgeVerificationLimits 18,21 DN The values depend on what has been configured in the DN Customer Base.
CancelHostName localhost DN A connection configuration for the Diebold Nixdorf SCO Device.
CancelPortNumber 17003 DN A connection configuration for the Diebold Nixdorf SCO Device.
DiscountText Discount DN The text that should be displayed on a discount line.
DisplayPeriodicDiscountDescription true/false DN If true, then the Periodic Discount description is displayed as a text on the discount line.
DisplayTaxInformation true/false DN If false, then tax information is not displayed to the user in the POS UI.
GrayHairAge 50 DN This value depends on what has been configured in the DN Customer Base.
MainHostName localhost DN A connection configuration for the Diebold Nixdorf SCO Device.
MainPortNumber 17002 DN A connection configuration for the Diebold Nixdorf SCO Device.
POSEventsCancelHostName localhost DN A connection configuration for the Diebold Nixdorf SCO Device.
PosEventsCancelPortNumber 17005 DN A connection configuration for the Diebold Nixdorf SCO Device.
PosEventsHostName localhost DN A connection configuration for the Diebold Nixdorf SCO Device.
POSEventsPortNumber 17004 DN A connection configuration for the Diebold Nixdorf SCO Device.
UseCustomerOwnBag true/false DN If true, then the SCO Device asks the customers if they have their own bag.
WeighingUnit kg DN The weighing unit used by the product scale on the SCO Device.

SCO Item Profile

Feature flag Values SCO Comment
AgeLimit Any number DN It depends on the Age limit values that are applicable in each SCO device what values are valid.

See also

Configuration Package Setup