SCO Connector Configuration

In this article


Cache Settings


Feature flags

For each SCO Connector that will be running within your organization you will need one SCO Connector configuration.

So if there are three stores running self-checkout devices, and each store has one SCO Connector running, you will need three different SCO Connector configurations.
If there are two SCO Connectors running in each store, you will need to configure six different SCO Connector configurations.

These configurations are set so the SCO Connector can know which SCO devices it should be communicating with, what type of SCO devices they are, and some other configurations that are necessary for the SCO Connector to work properly.

On the SCO Service card, fill out the fields in the FastTabs listed below.


Generic settings for the SCO Connector. By using the action Copy SCO Service to Curr. Service you can copy this information between SCO Connectors that you are configuring.

Field Description
No. The unique ID for the SCO Connector record.
Description A generic description or name for this particular SCO Connector.
Store The SCO Connector needs to know in which store it is located. This is also the store that will be set on any transactions that are created through the SCO Connector.
Staff ID The Staff ID that will be set on any transactions that are created through the SCO Connector.
Service Token This is the unique ID of the SCO Connector. This token identifies which connector is communicating with LS Central when LS Central is receiving calls from the service.
Image Bank The location of the images to be displayed on the SCO Device. It depends on the specific implementation what this value should be and if this is used.
Hardware Profile In some cases, the SCO Device communicates with all devices except the EFT Payment terminal. In other cases the SCO Connector needs to take care of the receipt printing. This Hardware Profile has all the devices the SCO Connector needs to know about.
Shopping Bag Functionality There are three options: None, Ask for Qty, Select specific bags.
  • Ask for Qty displays a dialog window where customers are asked to enter the number of bags they want.
  • Select specific bags displays a list of shopping bags that is defined in the Shopping Bag List field.
Shopping Bag List A customer defined list of shopping bags.
Security Check Profile This is used to decide which items are "High risk" and which are not. An example is a cheap wine bottle that looks very similar to a more expensive bottle. The cheaper bottle would be marked as high risk so that the customer cannot scan that bottle twice while buying one cheap and one more expensive.
Terminals This is a list of terminals which this instance of the SCO Connector will be communicating with. Only terminals that have Terminal type set as SCO Device can be selected in this list.
Feature Flags Any feature flags that can control the functionality of the SCO Connector can be set here. See Feature Flags for SCO Connector for more information.

Cache Settings

The SCO Connector uses Redis cache functionality to store information within the connector to minimize communications between the SCO Connector and LS Central. You can use these settings to configure the number of hours each type of configuration is stored within the SCO Connector.

Field Description
Caching Active If true, the SCO Connector will use Redis cache functionality to store information within the connector. Default value is true
Terminal Settings (hours) The number of hours information about the terminals, tender types, hardware profile and so on should be stored in the cache storage. Default value is 24 hours
Connection Settings (hours) The number of hours information about the connection to the LS Central and to the terminals should be kept in the cache storage. Default value is 12 hours
Transaction Information (hours)

The number of hours information about the current transaction should be kept in the cache storage. Default value is 2 hours.

Note: There is only one transaction stored within the cache, so this refers to, for example, if an SCO terminal is open with an non-concluded transaction. Information about that particular transaction will be stored for the number of hours set here.

Item Information (hours)

The number of hours information about the items that have been scanned should be kept in the cache storage. Default value is 8 hours.

This refers to information such as whether the item is a scale item, should the user be asked for quantity input, description, translations, and so on. The default price is also stored, but as soon as the item is added to a sale, the transaction is calculated again and the current price is displayed to the user.


This FastTab is a list of terminals this instance of the SCO Connector will be communicating with. Only terminals that have Terminal type set as SCO Device can be selected in this list, see Configurations Within Retail BackOffice for more information.

Note: Each SCO Connector must have at least one terminal selected, but there is no maximum limit on the number of terminals

Feature flags

Any feature flags that can control the functionality of the SCO Connector can be set here. See Feature Flags for SCO Connector for more information.