SCO Device Type Configuration

The SCO Connector for LS Central needs to know which SCO device type it is communicating with (Diebold, Nixdorf, NCR, and so on).

If the SCO Connector is running on a self-checkout device, you only need to create one SCO Device Type.

If the SCO Connector is running as a central service communicating with multiple SCO devices, you must create one SCO Device Type per SCO Device as the IP address and connection information is set on the SCO Device Type.

Configuration Description
Device Type The unique ID for this device type.
Brand Select the brand that is valid for this device type.
Description A generic description or name of the Device Type.
Tender Type Mapping If any tender type mapping is required, it must be configured in the SCO Tender Type Mapping Profile and set on the SCO Device Type.
Feature Flags Any feature flags that can control the functionality of the SCO Connector can be set here. See Feature Flags for SCO Connector for more information.