SCO Tender Type Mapping Profile

If the Tender Type IDs cannot be configured in both LS Central and the SCO Device to match up a Tender Type Mapping profile needs to be set so that the LS SCO Service will be able to send the correct tender type ID to the SCO Device and then map it back again once the payment has been finalized.

Example: SCO Device requires the card payment to have tender type ID as bankingcard but the LS Central system already has a tender type for card payments that has unique ID of cards.

Note: This profile does not have to be created or set. If the SCO Device and LS Central can be configured to have matching IDs for the tender types then this profile is not needed.

Configuration Description
Tender Type Mapping Profile The unique ID for this mapping profile
Store No. The Store this mapping is valid for
Mapping Tender Type This is the tender type ID that is used by the SCO Device
Tender Type This is the LS Central tender type that the SCO Device Tender type should be mapped to and from.