POS Functionality

Normally, doing a Customer Order consists of three tasks: creating a customer order, picking the order, and finally collecting the order. Listed below are examples of these tasks.

For an item to be marked for customer order, and to trigger the customer order process, a special command and parameter is used, see Customer Order POS Commands.

To See
Create a customer order for collection in another store. How to: Create a Customer Order for Collection
Attach a member contact to a customer order. How to: Create a Customer Order for Collection with a Member Contact Attached
Create a customer order that will be shipped to the customer. How to: Create a Customer Order for Shipment to Customer
Receive a purchase order that is part of a customer order. Receive Through the Customer Order List
Conclude a customer order when a customer comes to collect the order. How to: Collect a Customer Order
Deposit payment to an existing customer order. Depositing a Payment