How to: Deposit Payment to an Existing Customer Order

This is the process when a customer comes to any store and makes a payment, partial or full, to an existing customer order.

  1. On the POS, press the Customer Orders button.
  2. Press the Find Order button. This displays the fields that are available for filtering to find the relevant customer order.
  3. Enter your criteria, and press OK.
  4. Select the customer order, and press the View button to zoom in on the customer order details.
  5. Make sure you have selected the correct customer order, and press Deposit Payment.
  6. Enter the payment amount, and press OK.
  7. Finalize the POS transaction by selecting the payment's Tender Type as in a normal POS transaction.

Note: You can make a deposit on a payment for a customer order at all stages until the order has been collected.

Note: You can make payments in any store, not only the store that is processing the customer order.