Over-the-Counter – Quick Service Restaurants

In this article

Serving KOTs

Toggling the KOT list filtering

Toggling between KOT List view and Order List view

The Direct Edit menu

See also

Over-the-counter restaurants sell food at the counter, send the order to the kitchen, and then finish the sale with payment. The order is identified with an Order ID that is a queue counter. When the order is ready, the Order ID is either called up or displayed by a special screen (CFD - Customer Facing Display). 

On the KOT list view for the Over the Counter hospitality type, the KOTs that are not yet served are displayed.

When you press a KOT in the list, the detail menu shows a short description of the items in the KOT.

Serving KOTs

The KOTs are:

  • marked as Served with an expeditor display station.
  • manually marked as Served on the KOT list.

Note: A KOT list is designed for a restaurant where the order is sent to the kitchen on paying. When the order is served and paid, it disappears from the KOT list. Therefore, if the POS terminal has KOT Status after Print as Served (or the printer stations involved), the KOTs only appear in the KOT list if the order was not paid. If it was paid, it never appears in the list.

Toggling the KOT list filtering

The command KOTLIST_TOGGLESERVED is used to toggle the filtering of the KOT list between Not Served KOTs and Served, Not Paid. This command should be placed on the Order List Details Menu or the Order List Direct Edit Menu for the hospitality type.

Toggling between KOT List view and Order List view

Clicking the hospitality type button Over the Counter again on the top menu shows a list of the orders that are not paid, regardless whether they have a KOT or are served or not.

Also, when you press the Show Open Orders button on the details menu (with the command HOSP-SWITCH_TYPE, parameter SAMETYPE), the order list is shown.

Similarly, when you press the Show KOT List button on the details menu, the KOT list is shown again.

The Direct Edit menu

On the Direct Edit menu, there are functions to

  • create a new order.
  • edit the order in the list (not possible if the order has already been paid).
  • mark a non-served KOT as served (if an expeditor is used, bumping the KOT changes its status to Served and the KOT disappears automatically from the KOT list showing non-served KOTs. If it was not paid, it is visible on the KOT list that shows orders that are Served, not paid).
  • search the list for a receipt number (command HOSP-SEARCHORDER) or a part of a receipt number.
  • search the list for an Order ID (queue counter) (command HOSP-SEARCHNAME). You can use the EXACTMATCH parameter with the HOSP-SEARCHNAME command to search for the order with the entered queue counter.
  • reset the search so that the KOT list shows all non-served KOTs or served KOTs, depending on what the list was showing.

Note: After entering search criteria, you can toggle the KOT list filtering and switch to other hospitality types. The system then applies the search criteria to those lists, if the lists are KOT lists or order lists.

See also

How to: Set Up an Over-the-Counter Restaurant

How to: Use Queue Counter and Customer Name to Identify Orders

Toggling Default View and Order List View