Quantity Handling, Infocode

This field indicates how quantity is handled when item modifiers and cross-selling items are selected (when the item of the line that triggers the item modifier or cross-selling infocode has quantity 2 or more).

This applies only when the selected items are linked to the trigger line (the Link Item Lines to Trigger Line check box is selected for the item modifier or cross-selling infocode).

If this is a cross-selling group or an item modifier group, the quantity handling option selected in this field applies to all the cross-selling infocodes and item modifiers in the group.

This can be overridden by the entity that the infocode is assigned to (the Quantity Handling field in the Table Specific Infocode table).

The options are:

  • Split-Select Items for Qty. 1 – The program splits the trigger transaction line into one line with quantity 1 and one line with the rest of the quantity. The pop-up window opens and the user selects items for the trigger line with quantity 1. The selected items are linked to that trigger line. No compression takes place.
  • Multiply Items w/Qty – The pop-up window opens and the user selects items for the trigger line as if it had quantity 1. When the window closes, the program multiplies the items with the quantity of the trigger line. The selected items are linked to the trigger line. No compression takes place.
  • Select Items up to Qty – The pop-up window opens and the user selects items for the trigger line. Maximum and minimum selections are multiplied with the quantity of the trigger line, letting the user select items for the quantity of the trigger line. The selected items are linked to the trigger line.

See Quantity Handling with Item Modifiers and Cross-selling for more information.