Quantity Handling with Item Modifiers and Cross-selling

Item modifiers (also text and time modifiers), item modifier groups, cross-selling infocodes, and cross-selling groups offer a choice of how quantity is handled when item modifiers and cross-selling items are selected (when the item of the line that triggers the item modifier or cross-selling infocode has quantity 2 or more).

Each item or recipe that has item modifiers or cross-selling infocodes linked, can override the quantity handling specified by the item modifier or cross-selling infocode.

Note: Quantity Handling applies only if the selected items are linked to the trigger line (the Link Item Lines to Trigger Line check box is selected for the item modifier or cross-selling infocode). When that is not the case, you can let the quantity of the trigger line multiply the quantity of the selected items by selecting the Qty. Linked to Trigger Line check box. Otherwise, the quantity of the selected items remains unchanged.

The options for Quantity Handling are:

Split-Select Items for Qty. 1

This option is useful when the modifiers directly modify the item, like toppings on a pizza.

The program splits the trigger transaction line into one line with quantity 1 and one line with the rest of the quantity. The pop-up window opens and the user selects items for the trigger line with quantity 1. The selected items are linked to that trigger line.

No compression takes place if you add more of the triggering item.

Example - Select Item for Qty. 1

Multiply Items w/Qty.

This option is used when ordering an item with the same modifiers in large quantities, such as a steak that has grill time modifiers. For a table with ten guests, three guests want their steak rare, four want a medium rare, and three want a medium steak. The waiter presses 3 steaks and selects rare, then 4 steaks and selects medium rare, and 3 steaks as medium.

The pop-up window opens and the user selects items for the trigger line as if it had quantity 1. When the window closes, the program multiplies the items with the quantity of the trigger line. The selected items are linked to the trigger line.

No compression takes place if you add more of the triggering item.

Example - Multiply Item w/Qty.

Select Items up to Qty.

This option is useful when the modifiers or cross-selling items are like side orders or extra parts (are not a direct part of the item). For an item you have a choice of selecting up to two item modifiers or cross-selling items. When you select 5 of that item, you can select up to 10 item modifiers or cross-selling items within the pop-up window.

The pop-up window opens and the user selects items for the trigger line. Maximum and minimum selections are multiplied with the quantity of the trigger line, letting the user select items for the quantity of the trigger line. The selected items are linked to the trigger line.

Compression takes place if Compress when Scanned is on for the active functionality profile, and the item with the modifiers is not marked as Skip Compression when Scanned).

Example - Select Items up to Qty.

Quantity Handling for Groups

If this is a cross-selling group or an item modifier group, the quantity handling option selected in this field applies to all the cross-selling infocodes and item modifiers in the group.

When grouping item modifiers together that have different quantity handling, you need to make sure that you pick the appropriate quantity handling for the group.

A hamburger has the modifiers Grilling Time (rare, medium, well done). It has also a side order modifier. These modifiers can be grouped together with the Select Items up to Qty., because there is only one modifier that modifies the hamburger directly - the grilling time. If there were more modifiers, such as tomato and onion, the group needs the Split-Select Items for Qty. 1 quantity handling.