Open Sales POS after Logon, Hospitality Type

This field indicates whether the Sales POS opens directly after a staff member logs on to the POS. The options are:

  • No - The Hospitality Startup POS opens, with a view specified in the Layout View field.
  • Yes - The Sales POS opens, either in Startup or Sales mode as specified in the Sales POS Opening Mode field.

For a hospitality type that functions like a normal retail POS, selecting Yes in this field eliminates the need to press the New button in the Startup POS to open the Sales POS. It also saves the user from seeing a list of unfinished transaction (usually an empty list) which can be confusing. If there are other hospitality types visible on a POS terminal, you need to let this hospitality type be selected for a staff member on logon to use this functionality.

You cannot let the system open the Sales POS directly after logon for hospitality types these service types:

  • Dining Table Service
  • Delivery&Takeout in Call Center
  • Delivery&Takeout in Restaurant