Sales POS Opening Mode, Hospitality Type

This field indicates whether the Sales POS opens in Start or Sales mode from this hospitality type.  The options are:

  • Start/Sales by Menu Profile – The menu profile in use when the Sales POS is opened, opens in Start mode if its Start and Sales menus are different menus. If they are the same, it opens in Sales mode (no Start button).
  • Sales - The hospitality type open in Sales mode even if the menu profile Start and Sales menus are different. To access the functions only available in Start mode regarding return and tender declaration, include an Open POS directly (HOSP-OPEN-POS-DIR command) on the Layout Functions menu.

The system itself controls this opening mode under the following conditions:

  • For hospitality types with dining tables, the Sales POS opens in Sales mode
  • For the delivery, takeout and pre-order sales type (as defined in Hospitality Setup) the Sales POS opens in Sales mode.

Note: It is best to design menu profiles for hospitality with Start Menu and Sales Menu as different menus. If you want the Sales POS to open in Sales Mode, you simply select Sales in this field. Then you design your Start Menu as is appropriate and this Start menu opens up when you press a button with the HOSP-OPEN-POS-DIR command.

If you have the same menus for Start Menu and Sales Menu in a menu profile, you must select another interface and menu profile to go with the HOSP-OPEN-POS-DIR command. This menu profile must have a Start Menu that is different from its Sales Menu. You select those profiles in the Dir. Sales POS Menu Profile ID and Dir. Sales POS Interface Profile ID fields.