Layout View, Hospitality Type

This field shows which layout option is used for the hospitality type in the Hospitality POS Startup.
The options are:

  • Dining Table Grid - the dining tables are represented as buttons in a row-column grid
  • Graphical Dining Tables - the dining tables are represented as buttons with coordinates, shape and size
  • Order List - a list of open POS Transactions (orders)
  • Delivery - a double list, one with open orders, the other with delivery drivers and orders assigned to them.
  • KOT List - a list of un-served KOTs (kitchen order tickets). The list shows the KOT No., Order ID, the status of the KOTs and when they are due. This layout fits those restaurants where the customer orders and pays right away. The order is sent to the kitchen and a KOT created. This list shows the KOTs that are in production. Clicking the hospitality type button on the top menu shows the KOTs that are served but not paid. The KOTs are:
    • marked as Served with an expeditor display station
    • manually marked as Served on this list
    • automatically set to served on a printer station (POS terminal decides this)
  • F&B Orders - a list of Food and Beverages orders. This view is available in the FAB Takeout #OFFLINE panel only.

When you select a layout, the system automatically fills in the following fields with default values taking into account the Service Type selected and the Sales POS Opening Mode:

  • Layout Function Menu ID
  • Grid Data Table ID
  • Grid Direct Edit Menu ID

It may also fill in these field under certain conditions:

  • Grid Order Details Menu ID
  • Delivery Grid Panel ID

You can edit the menus, data tables and panels that are selected as defaults in these fields. You can also design your own and select them in these fields.