How to: Set Up Calculation Rules

In this article

To set up Calculation Rules

To set up KPI data group and filters

See also

The Actionable Insights Calculation Rules are used to define when and how frequently the Signals for a KPI should be calculated. They are also used to configure data grouping and filtering (if applicable to the KPI) for the Signals calculation. For example, if the Signals are to be created per product group and for a specific location only, then this is configurable with the Calculation Rules.

To set up Calculation Rules

  1. Click the icon, enter Actionable Insights Calculation Rules, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the New action to create a new Calculation Rule.
  3. In the General FastTab, fill in the relevant fields:
  4. Field Description
    KPI Code This field specifies the code of the KPI to which the Calculation Rule belongs.
    Code This field specifies the code of the Calculation Rule.
    Description This field specifies the description of the Calculation Rule.
    Active This check box specifies if the Calculation Rule is active, and therefore to be considered for the signal calculation.
    Active Start Date This field specifies the first date on which the Calculation Rule is active, hence to be considered for the signal calculation.
    Active End Date This field specifies the last date on which the Calculation Rule is active, hence to be considered for the signal calculation.
    Last Calc. Date This field shows the date when the Calculation Rule was last calculated.
    Last Calc. Time This field shows the time when the Calculation Rule was last calculated.
    Next Calc. Date This field specifies the date when the Calculation Rule will be calculated again.
    Next Calc. Time This field specifies the time when the Calculation Rule will be calculated again.
    Last Calc. Signal Date This field shows the date on which the signal was last calculated for this Calculation Rule.

  5. In the Calculation Frequency FastTab, fill in the relevant fields:
  6. Field Description
    One Calculation per Day This check box specifies if the signal calculation can be performed once or multiple times per day. When disabled, the Calculation Interval settings will be shown in the Calculation Rule FastTab, allowing you to configure how frequently the calculation will be triggered each day.

    Note: This check box cannot be unchecked if the KPI does not support multiple calculations per day.

    One Rule for All Days This check box specifies if the same calculation rule settings are applied for all weekdays and weekends. When this setting is disabled, you can configure different calculation rules for each day of the week in the Calculation Rule FastTab.

  7. In the Calculation Rule FastTab, fill in the relevant fields:
  8. Field Description
    Valid on <Day> This check box specifies if the calculation rule is active on a specific day of the week, hence to be considered for the signal calculation. This setting is only available when One Rule for All Days is disabled.
    Calc. from Time This field specifies the earliest time when the signal calculation can start. When One Rule for All Days is disabled, you can configure this field separately for each day of the week.
    Calc. until Time This field specifies the latest time when the signal calculation can start. When One Rule for All Days is disabled, you can configure this field separately for each day of the week.

    Note: It is possible to extend the Calc. until Time to cross midnight to the next day, as long as the time range is less than 24 hours. For example:
    Calc. from Time: 22:00
    Calc. until Time: 03:00
    With this setup, the signal calculation can be triggered any time between 22:00 before midnight and 03:00 after midnight.

    Calc. Interval Type This field specifies whether the calculation interval is based on Hour or Minute. This setting is only available when One Calculation per Day is disabled. When One Rule for All Days is disabled, you can configure this field separately for each day of the week.
    Calc. Interval This field specifies the calculation interval in hours or minutes based on the Calc. Interval Type used. This setting is only available when One Calculation per Day is disabled. When One Rule for All Days is disabled, you can configure this field separately for each day of the week.

    For example:
    To trigger the signal calculation every two hours, set Calc. Interval Type to Hour and set Calc. Interval to 2.

To set up KPI data group and filters

The Actionable Insights Calculation Rules let you configure the grouping dimensions and filters which will be applied to the source data during the Signals calculation.

  1. The Data Group FastTab shows which grouping options are available. This FastTab is only visible for KPIs having one or more Data Group dimensions. And only the dimensions that are activated in the KPI Setup will be enabled here. You can select one or more grouping dimensions.
  2. Field Description
    Group by <Dimension> This field specifies if the calculated Signal entries will be grouped by a specific dimension. The possible grouping dimensions are:
    • Item Division
    • Item Category
    • Retail Product Group
    • Item
    • Location
    • Store
    • POS Terminal
    • Staff
    • Vendor
    • Customer

    Other dimensions are also available depending on the KPI.

    Example of usage:
    If the Group by Location is enabled and there are three locations to be calculated, the signal calculation will produce three signal entries and each entry represents the aggregated result for each location.

  3. The Filters FastTab shows which filtering options are available. This FastTab is only visible for KPIs having one or more Filter dimensions. And only the dimensions that are activated in the KPI Setup will be enabled here. You can define one or more filtering dimensions.
  4. Field Description
    <Dimension> Filter This field specifies if the calculated Signal entries will be filtered by a specific dimension. The possible filtering dimensions are:
    • Item Division
    • Item Category
    • Retail Product Group
    • Item
    • Location
    • Store
    • POS Terminal
    • Staff
    • Vendor
    • Customer

    Other dimensions are also available depending on the KPI.

    Example of usage:
    If the Location Filter is specified as 'S0001|S0002', the signal calculation will only consider the source data related to location S0001 and S0002.

  5. The signals are calculated based on the settings of the Calculation Rule. In addition, a KPI Pack can have generic settings which are applied to one or more KPIs. To configure the KPI Pack generic settings, click Process - KPI Calculation Setup from the Actionable Insights Calculation Rules page or the Actionable Insights Calculation Rule Card page. In the KPI Calculation Setup page, you can define specific filters or conditions for the signal calculation. For example, in the base pack, there is a KPI which counts the number of open Purchase Orders created from a specific date until today. In the KPI Calculation Setup page, you can specify how far back in the past the observation period is.

Note: To get more information about which data groups, filters, and setup fields are available for each KPI in the Actionable Insights Base Pack, see Actionable Insights Base Pack.xlsx.

To understand how Ssgnals can be calculated based on the Calculation Rules created, see How to: Calculate Signals.

See also

How to: Set Up Notification Rules

How to: Set Up Alert Rules