How to: Set Up Alert Rules

In this article

To set up Alert Rules

To set up Alert Groups

See also

The Actionable Insights Alert Rules are used to define when a signal is outside the expected value range. You specify the thresholds and conditions using these rules and when a signal fulfills the condition, an alert will be created. The Alert Rules are always linked to a specific KPI and a Calculation Rule.

To understand how alerts can be calculated based on the Alert Rules created, see How to: Calculate Alerts.

To set up Alert Rules

  1. Click the icon, enter Actionable Insights Alert Rules, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the New action to create a new Alert Rule.
  3. In the General FastTab, fill in the relevant fields:
  4. Field Description
    KPI Code This field specifies the code of the KPI to which the Alert Rule belongs.
    Calc. Rule Code This field specifies the code of the Calculation Rule that the Alert Rule is linked to.
    Code This field specifies the code of the Alert Rule.
    Description This field specifies the description of the Alert Rule.
    Alert Group Code This field specifies the code of the Alert Group which the Alert Rule is a member of.

    An Alert Group joins multiple Alert Rules together with an OR or AND logical operator.
    With the AND operator, an alert will only be raised if all the Alert Rules' conditions within the Alert Group are fulfilled.
    With the OR operator, an alert will be raised if any of the Alert Rules' conditions within the Alert Group is fulfilled.

    Alert Group Code is not mandatory. You only assign the Alert Group Code to the Alert Rule when you want to group multiple Alert Rules together.

    For more information see To set up Alert Groups below.

    Severity This field specifies the severity level that will be assigned to the alerts and notifications created from the Alert Rule, used for prioritizing and managing notifications in the Action Hub. Notifications are grouped into different tiles according to their severity level in the Active Notifications and Notification Overview cues. Alerts are also grouped by severity level in the Alert History Chart.
    Impact Score Modifier % This field specifies the percentage that will be added to the Impact Score Base Value of the KPI when the system calculates the Impact Score for the alerts.
    Rule Type This field specifies the rule type which defines the possible alert calculations. Based on this value, you will be able to select KPI Test Fields of the same data type and define how the alerts will be calculated. Currently, there are six available rule type options: Decimal Value (Simple), Decimal Value (Advanced), Boolean Value, Date Value, Time Value, and Duration Value.
    Last Calc. Signal Date This field shows the date on which the signal was last calculated.

  5. The Rule FastTab is used to specify parameters that together will form the Alert Rule's formula. This defines when the system should raise alerts out of signals. These parameters vary depending on the selected Rule Type.
    In the Rule FastTab, you first select a Test Field which serves as a base value. A KPI can have one or multiple predefined Test Fields. The system will propose the condition types based on the different Rule Types. When you have selected a condition type, you must provide a limit or a range, and in some cases a date formula. During Alerts calculation, the system will compare the Test Field against the limit or the range based on the condition and in some cases set a date filter on the signals.

For a more detailed explanation of the Rule Types and the possible setup fields for each of the types, see Alert Rule Types.

To set up Alert Groups

The Actionable Insights Alert Groups are used to join multiple Alert Rules together with an OR or an AND logical operator. With the AND operator, an Alert will only be raised if all the Alert Rules' conditions within the Alert Group are fulfilled. With the OR operator, an Alert will be raised if any of the Alert Rules' conditions within the Alert Group is fulfilled.

  1. Click the icon, enter Actionable Insights Alert Groups, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the New action to create a new Alert Group.
  3. Fill in the relevant fields:
  4. Field Description
    KPI Code This field specifies the code of the KPI to which the Alert Group belongs.
    Calc. Rule Code This field specifies the code of the Calculation Rule which the Alert Group is linked to.
    Code This field specifies the code of the Alert Group.
    Description This field specifies the description of the Alert Group.
    Operator This field specifies which logical operator will be used to join the Alert Rules within the Alert Group.
    If it is the AND operator, an alert will only be raised when all the Alert Rules' conditions within the Alert Group are fulfilled.
    If it is the OR operator, an alert will be raised when any of the Alert Rules' conditions within the Alert Group is fulfilled.
    Severity This field specifies the severity level that will be assigned to the alerts nnd Notifications created from the Alert Group, used for prioritizing and managing notifications in the Action Hub. Notifications are grouped into different tiles according to their severity level in the Active Notifications and Notification Overview cues. Alerts are also grouped by severity level in the Alert History Chart.
    Impact Score Modifier % This field specifies the percentage that will be added to the Impact Score Base Value of the KPI when the system calculates the Impact Score for the alerts.
    No. of Alert Rules This field shows the total number of Alert Rules in the Alert Group.
    Last Calc. Signal Date This field shows the date on which the signal was last calculated.

  5. To assign an Alert Rule to the Alert Group, you can navigate to the appropriate Alert Rule from the Actionable Insights Alert Rules page, open the Actionable Insights Alert Rule Card, and fill in the Alert Group Code field.
  6. The following examples illustrate further how the Alert Group works with the AND or OR operators:

    Example 1:
    The system currently has a signal with a KPI value equal to 7. Two Alert Rules were then set up and both were assigned to AlertGroupA. AlertRule1 states that the KPI value must be greater than 2. AlertRule2 states that the KPI value must be smaller than 6. AlertGroupA is set up with the operator AND.
    In this case, no alert will be created, because AlertRule1's condition is fulfilled but AlertRule2's condition is not and the AND operator requires both conditions to be met.

    Example 2:
    The system currently has a signal with a KPI value equal to 7. Two Alert Rules were then set up and both were assigned to AlertGroupB. AlertRule1 states that the KPI value must be greater than 2. AlertRule2 states that the KPI value must be smaller than 6. AlertGroupB is set up with the operator OR.
    In this case, an alert will be created, because AlertRule1's condition is fulfilled and the OR operator requires only one of the two conditions to be met.

See also

How to: Set Up Notification Rules

How to: Set Up Calculation Rules