Customer Registration

Pharmacy for LS Central operates with the concept of Pharmacy Customers. A person must exist in the system as a Pharmacy Customer to be able to redeem a prescription. The Pharmacy Customer table is linked to the National Registry.

You can register new customers from the Customer Service page in the Role Center. When customers have been created, they become Pharmacy Customers.

There are four types of customers in the system. When you create a new Pharmacy Customer, you specify the customer type:

  • GENERAL - used for general customers, often set up as the default customer type.
  • FOREIGN - used for foreign customers who are not registered in the National Registry.
  • ANIMAL - used for animal owners.
  • EES - used for EES or EU citizens.

The following table describes a sequence of tasks with links to the articles that describe them when working with the Pharmacy Customer:

To See
Create a Pharmacy Customer and edit. How to: Create a Pharmacy Customer
Create a foreign customer. How to: Create a Foreign Customer
Search for existing customers. How to: Search for Customers

See also

Pharmacy Customer Card Detailed