Group Reservations

In this article:




Group Members

Hotel Comments

The creation of group reservations is useful, if several rooms are booked for the same period. The advantage of using group reservations is that the booking data can be processed together and services can be paid accordingly.

There are three ways to create a group reservation:

  1. Using the New Group Reservation action in the Role Center action bar.
  2. Using the same action in the Group Reservations list. This opens the same page and uses the same underlying processes to create a reservation.
  3. Using Web Services.


The General FastTab is where you define most settings of the group reservations that are carried into the individual reservations included in the group.

These include Arrival and Departure Dates, the Rate Management, the Invoice Routing Rules, and the Customer Name, among others.


The Reservations FastTab is where the list of Reservations included in the group is presented. You can also add or delete new reservations, and open them from here to make individual modifications.

The status of the Group depends directly on the status of the individual reservations.

  1. When all reservations have the same status, the group takes that status.
  2. If any reservation is In House, the group will be In House as well.
  3. If not, the system checks if any reservation is Confirmed. If yes, the group is also Confirmed.
  4. The Group will only be Checked Out, when all reservations are Checked Out.


In the Activities FastTab you can manage activities on a group level.

Group Members

In the Group Members FastTab you can manage information and the memberships of the guests included in the group.

Hotel Comments

In the Hotel Comments FastTab you can add and manage Comments on the group.