Frequent Buyer Program (FBP)

The Frequent Buyer Program is a loyalty program which targets customers repeatedly buying the same or similar items. These are repeated purchases and retailers want to encourage customer retention, so they give, for example, one item for free for every 10 purchased.

The “buy ten get one” is the most common rule, but not the only one, as for certain items or for certain customers there could be different redeeming requirements (buy five, get one; buy twelve, get two and so on).

The required items can be purchased in different transactions. When the required number of items has been bought, a coupon is issued and can be used in a future transaction. The customer may decline to get the free bag in order to claim it later. Customers are inclined to do that, for example when there is a promotional price for a short period of time.

Any existing store coupon can be assigned to a program (manually) or it can be created automatically. An automatically created coupon will give one item for free. A program can consist of multiple items. In that case an automatically created coupon will give one of the items listed in the program lines for free.

When a member card has been validated on a POS, a Frequent Buyer Status window is accessible showing the status of all programs that have been initiated by the member. The window also shows the number of earned coupons and the number of coupons that the customer will earn when the transaction is posted. Unused coupons can be added to the current transaction from this window.

See also

Personal Coupons