How to: Reopen a Canceled Order Line

If the Prescription Order Line has been canceled with the Cancel Order Line function (see How to: Cancel an Order Line), the line can be re-opened (retrieved) using the Re-Open Canceled Line function. This function is only enabled in orders with status Approved.

Note: The canceled line can only be retrieved from the same pharmacy that canceled the line.

To reopen a canceled order line through Approved Prescription Orders

  1. Click the Approved Prescription Orders tile in the Role Center.
  2. Select your order, and click the View action.
  3. Go to the E-Prescription menu, and click Re-Open Canceled Order Line.
  4. The Canceled Prescr. Order Line page opens with a list of canceled lines on the current customer in the current pharmacy.
  5. Select the relevant line, and click OK.

The selected line is now moved to the prescription order.