How to: Cancel an Order Line

The Cancel Order Line function is mainly used, if the Prescription Order Line, for some reason, gets locked inside the Prescription Order and, for example, cannot be deleted from the order.

When Cancel Order Line is used, the selected Prescription Order Line will be stored in the current pharmacy and can only be retrieved in the same pharmacy, see How to: Reopen a Canceled Order Line.

Cancel Order Line can only be used when the Prescription Order has status Approved and the line has the original format E-prescription.

To cancel an order line through Approved Prescription Orders

  1. Click the Approved Prescription Orders tile in the Role Center.
  2. Select your order and click the View action on the Home menu.
  3. Press Esc to go back to theE-Prescription menu, and click Cancel Order Line.
  4. A message box opens where you confirm canceling the line.
  5. Click Yes.

The Prescription Order Line disappears from the Prescription Order Line FastTab in the Approved Prescription Order page and is moved to the table Canceled Presc. Order Line.