Hospitality Analytics

The Hospitality report contains report pages that display sales and inventory data for restaurants and other locations running hospitality. The Hospitality report also includes report pages that are catering to fine dining and quick service restaurants that use the reservation and table statistics from the Hospitality functionality in LS Central and KOT information from KDS (the Kitchen Display System).

Below, you can view all the pages of the Hospitality report with sample data.

The filter pane is not displayed in the reports above, but all reports contain a filter pane. The Hospitality report template has several filters available for all report pages and some that only apply to one report page or visual.

You can remove, add, and manage these filters in the Power BI desktop, before you publish the report to Power BI service and distribute it to users throughout your organization. This way, you can add constraints on what the users can see. The filter pane is explained in more detail in Report Navigation, Filtering, and Other Features.

This version of the Hospitality report works with Analytics versions 2024.1. For Analytics with LS Central version 14.2 and earlier, there might be some data missing for the KOTs since we are taking that information from KDS tables. KDS was first introduced in version 14.2, but has been greatly modified since then.