New Individual Reservation

In this article

To create a new individual reservation



Price Builder Lines

Guest List


Reservation Extras


There are three ways to create an individual hotel reservation:

  • using the New Reservation action on the Role Center pages, or
  • using the New Reservation action on the Reservations List page (click the Reservations menu in the role center).
  • using Web Services.

Tip: The same methods apply for group reservations.

Note: The New Reservation page is different from the New Group Reservation page in that some of the first page's functionality is only enabled after the reservation is confirmed.

To create a new individual reservation

  1. From the Role Center, click the New Reservation action.
  2. Fill the relevant fields.
    Note: Fields that are required in order to continue are marked with a red asterisk.
  3. Click Confirm Reservation. Reservations that are not confirmed are saved in Draft mode and can be edited at a later time.

The tables below describe the fields in the FastTabs on the New Reservation page:


Field Description
Guest Name The name of the guest. This field is linked to the Member Contact table and will automatically fill the related fields, if the guest is already in the system.

For example, Stefan Thompson is already in the system, so fields like Email, Country, Guest No., Phone No. and so on, based on already saved information in the Member Contact table, are added automatically.

Guest Email The guest's email address.
Country The guest's nationality.
Guest No. A unique identifier for the guest, the member contact - Contact number.
Customer Name If a company is related to this reservation, this field works the same as Guest Name. If already in the system, contact information based on the information on the customer is automatically filled in.
Contact The contact for the customer.
Reservation Type Indicates the type of this reservation.
Status Indicates the status of this reservation.
Arrival Date Indicates the date when the guest will arrive at the hotel.
Departure Date Indicates the date when the guest will depart.
Nights Indicates the number of nights the guest will stay at the hotel.
Check-in Time Indicates the estimated check-in time for the guest(s).
Check-out Time Indicates the estimated check-out time for the guest(s).
Property Indicates which property this reservation belongs to.
Room Type Indicates on which room type this reservation is booked.
Locked Indicates whether or not the room number can be changed. If set to true, the room number is locked and cannot be changed. If set to false, users can change the room number.
Extra Beds Indicates how many extra beds the guest needs during the stay.
Cribs Indicates how many cribs the guest needs during the stay.
Rates & Charges  
Rate Code Specifies the rate code the guest is booking.
Cancellation Policy The cancellation policy for the Rate Code.
Deposit Policy The cancellation policy for the Rate Code.
Currency Specifies the currency of the reservation.
Routing Rule Specifies the routing rule of the reservation.
Charge To Room Indicates whether or not this reservation is allowed to charge cost to the room. There are two options available: Allowed and Closed.
Adults Indicates how many adults are in this reservation.
Children Indicates how many children are in this reservation.


Field Description
External Res. No. If the reservation was originally created in another system or has some information in another place, you can insert that number here.
Market Segment Hotel market segmentation is the process of grouping hotel guests into categories based on their booking patterns and travel habits. Here you can select which segment this guest belongs to.
IATA No./ Commission An agency IATA number is an account number. It uniquely identifies a travel agency within the IATA network.
Housekeeping Rule Indicates the housekeeping rule for this reservation. You can change this value manually, for example if the guests wish to have no housekeeping during their stay.
Group Res. No. If the reservation is part of a group, the group number is displayed here.

Price Builder Lines

In this section, the Price Builder Lines are automatically filled in, depending on your input in the fields above.
For example, using the Hotel Demo Data for a room type DBL on BAR rate code for two adults, for two nights, two lines are created, one for each night and all the fields are updated based on the fields above. If changes are made that will affect the price, these lines are automatically updated, so users get instant visual representation on how each night is priced.

Users can also make price changes directly in the Price Builder Lines, by changing the Amount field in each line.

At the bottom of the FastTab, the total price for this reservation is displayed in the Total Amount field.

Note: This is total rate price, not including prices for any extras that may have been added.

Guest List

Shows the guest list for the reservation. This FastTab is directly affected by the Guest Name, Adults, and Children fields in the General FastTab at the top of the page, the guest list is automatically populated based on the values in those fields.

User can modify the list from this FastTab.


Here the user can add extra activities to the reservation while it is in draft status.

Note: Rate attributes, of type Activity, that are included in the package or rate are not shown here while the reservation is in draft status. The attributes appear on the Hotel Reservation card once the reservation has been confirmed. Until then, however, they are shown at the bottom of the Factbox in the Rate Attribute section.

Reservation Extras

Here the user can add any reservation extra items to the reservation while it is in draft status.

Note: Rate attributes, of type Item, that are included in the package or rate are not shown here while the reservation is in draft status. The attributes appear on the Hotel Reservation card once the reservation has been confirmed. Until then, however, they are shown at the bottom of the Factbox in the Rate Attribute section.


The table below lists and describes all available actions on the New Reservation page.

Action Description
Confirm Reservation Once all related fields have been filled and you are ready to confirm the reservation, you must click this action to move the reservation to confirmed status. Once clicked, the action opens the confirmed reservation.
See Activities Availability If the rate code includes any activities, either included in the rate or a package, this action becomes available. It displays all availability for each activity along with prices and locations.
Room Availability Lets the user navigate quickly to the Hotel Availability page, showing availability with filters based on the new reservation. So if the new reservation has room type DBL for property H0001, the page will show availability for that room type on that property.
Rate Info Provides more detailed information about the rate. The Rate Info page is automatically populated based on the new reservation, and you can use the actions at the top of the page to adjust the filters.
Related - Restrictions A quick link to the Hotel Restriction List, showing all restrictions for the hotel.
Related - Discount List A quick link to the Hotel Rate Discounts page.