KDS Utility

The KDS Utility is a stand-alone program to manage the configuration of the Kitchen Service connection to the LS Central KDS WebService API. It is installed when the Kitchen Service is installed.

Some of the configuration information can be changed in the Kitchen Service Configuration page in LS Central. When the Kitchen Service starts, it updates the information in the KDS Configuration with it.

In LS Central SaaS version 21.0 and onwards, the OAuth authentication is the only way for the KDS to access the OData KDS WebService. See S2S Authentication for more information on OAuth setup.

The On-premises versions can still use the SOAP WebService, but it is recommended to use the OData, since SOAP is being deprecated.

Start the KDS Utility by double-clicking the desktop shortcut, or locate it in the Start Menu, or, as a third option, locate the application file C:\Program Files\LS Retail\Kitchen Service\LS KDS Utility.exe and double-click it.

If you are configuring for the first time, the window will look like this (select the appropriate choice from the DataProvider dropdown list):

See also

KDS S2S OAuth in SaaS on how to configure the access to OAuth authentication in LS Central SaaS.

KDS S2S ODataV4 On-premises on how to configure the KDS to use OData in LS Central on-premises.

KDS Uses SOAP Service On-premises on how to configure the SOAP access for older versions of LS Central.