KDS S2S OAuth in SaaS

The KDS uses the ODataV4 protocol to connect to the SaaS LS Central KDS Web Service. See S2S Authentication for more information on OAuth setup.

Use the KDS Utility to set the configuration:

  1. Start the KDS Utility by double-clicking the desktop shortcut, or locate it in the Start Menu, or, as a third option, locate the application file C:\Program Files\LS Retail\Kitchen Service\LS KDS Utility.exe and double-click it.
  2. Start by setting the KDS Data Provider field to S2S OAuth SaaS. Only the necessary fields for connecting to the Web Service are then shown.
    If you are configuring for the first time, the window will look like this:

    If not, the fields are populated with the data from the Kitchen Service configuration file.

    There are two ways to populate the fields:

    Fields to be set are:

  3. Server computer name This is the name of the SaaS server where the LS Central KDS Web Service runs. Example: api.businesscentral.dynamics.com
    Version WS Version
    Protocol/Client Type The method to access the KDS Web Service. ODataV4 (REST) is default.
    Company Name The name of the Company in LS Central.
    Tenant ID Tenant ID in SaaS.
    Environment Environment name instance.
    Client ID Client ID in SaaS.
    Client Password/Secret Client Secret.
    Web Service Name The name of the KDS Web Service in the Web Services list. The default value is KDSodataAPI.
    Restaurants filter Use this to specify from which Restaurant the Kitchen Service should fetch KOTs (orders). If nothing is specified, the KOTs from all KDS-enabled restaurants are retrieved when they are created. If only one restaurant is in use, you can leave the field empty.
    This setting is useful in the Cloud/SaaS environment. If there are more than one restaurant in use per company and they are in different locations, the Kitchen Service, in each location, can filter on the corresponding restaurant. This is also applicable if LS Central is on one central server and more than one restaurant are connecting to it.

    Note: This setting is stored locally per Kitchen Service and not in the Kitchen Service Configuration page in the Business Central.

    WS Info The information from the JSON field in the Kitchen Service configuration page in the Hospitality system. Copy the string from Business Central, paste it into this field, and the rest of the fields will be populated. Except for the Client Secret field, which you must set manually.
  4. If changes have been made, click Get Config in the top menu to save the Kitchen Service configuration.
    The configuration will be saved in the file C:\ProgramData\LS Retail\Kitchen\KitchenServiceConfig.config.
    The utility then tries to connect to the KDS Web Service, and if it is successful, it will show a dialog window with some of the information from the web service.
  5. Restart the Kitchen Service, either by selecting Restart Service from the Manage Service menu item, or by starting Windows Services (Services.msc) and restarting it there.
  6. There are two other options in the Manage Service menu item:
    • Refresh Service tells the Kitchen Service to fetch the configuration from the web service without restarting the Kitchen Service. This is useful when the configuration of the KDS is changed in the back office.
    • Restart all Displays tells the Kitchen Service to turn off all connected Display Stations and restart them.

Note: If there are errors, you can examine the KDS Utility Log by clicking Logs in the top menu and then Show Utility Log. The log file opens in Notepad.

Tip: You can also open the last Kitchen Service log file by clicking Logs in the top menu and then Show KS Log. This will open the log file in Notepad.