How to: Set Up Colors, Fonts, and Font Sizes (KDS Style Profile)

The KDS Style Profile defines the look of the chits and the lines, for example the font, font size, and color.

To create a style profile

  1. Go to the KDS Style Profile List.
  2. On the KDS Style Profile Card you can define seven different profiles: Item Profile, Modifier Profile, Deal Profile, Order Profile, Header & Footer Profile, Time Style Profile, and Display Station Profile. In each of these profiles there are different setups with different styles. In all profile cards, except the Time Style Profile card, you get the styles that are available after you have created an ID and you cannot add a new one.
    Note: If the Style Lines FastTab is not populated with any style lines, this indicates that the Style Type lookup table is empty. To fix this you have to insert the default KDS data.

In the Time Style Profile Card you must create your own styles (colors) for each Time Style Profile. The fields on the General FastTab belong to all the styles below and all the color fields have the default value -1, which means empty.

Item Profile: This profile defines styles for items. It has eight styles, which are Item Default Style, Item Done Style, Item Modified Style, Item on Time Style, Item Rush Style, Item Voided Style, Item Started Style and Item Served Style. If you change the Back Color for any of the item styles, the time styles will not work, even if you assign them to the style profile.

Modifier Profile: This profile defines styles for item modifiers. It has seven styles, Comment Modifier Style, Decrease Item Modifier Style, Increase Item Modifier Style, Done Item Modifier Style, Item Modifier Modified Style, Item Modifier Voided Style, and Normal Item Modifier Style.

Deal Profile: This profile defines styles for Deal Headers. It has two styles, Deal Header Style and Deal Header Voided Style. Note: To display the Deal Headers on the chits in the KDS, you must select the Show Deals check box in the relevant Visual Profile.

Order Profile: This profile defines the style for the order lines (not header and footer) and the pane behind the chit or line display. It has two styles, Order Style and Order Pane Style.

Header & Footer Profile: This profile defines styles for the header and the footer. It has two styles, Default Header Style and Default Footer Style. The styles for the header also belong to headers in line displays.

Time Style Profile: This profile defines how many seconds pass until the back color changes for the chits and lines. You can either have a fixed time (Seconds Passed) or percentage of cook time. You choose which one to use in the Kitchen Service Configuration. You must create your own time styles. Note: The fixed time starts ticking after the normal cook time, but the percentage of cook time can be lower or higher than 100% of the cook time.

Display Station Profile: This profile defines styles for the aggregate pane that can be displayed on the display station. It has two styles, Aggregate Header Style and Aggregate Body Style.

Button Style Profile This profile defines styles for the Button Panel on the Display Station. It is possible to define the background color of the Button Panel and the background and text color for the buttons. If needed it's possible to define a specific style for each operation as well.

See also

KDS Style Profile

KDS Style Type Profile

KDS State Style