How to: Configure the Behavior of the Display Station (KDS Functional Profile)

The KDS Functional Profile defines how the display station behaves.

To create a functional profile:

  • Go to the KDS Functional Profile List, and double-click a profile to open it.

On the KDS Functional Profile Card you choose which button profile you want to use for the display station that is defined in the KDS Button Profiles. In the other option fields, you have to specify

  • when bumping an item or a chit is possible
  • where recalled orders should appear on the display station
  • where done orders should appear on the display station.
Field Description
ID Contains the ID of the profile..
Name Contains the name of the profile.
Buttons Menu ID Contains the ID of the buttons menu that is in use for the profile. The possibilities are the button menus that have been defined in the button profiles.
Bump Possible Shows when bumping is possible when this profile is in use. The options are:
  • Always - Bumping is always possible.
  • When Order is Paid - Bumping is possible if the order has been paid.
  • When Order is Done - Bumping is possible if the order is marked as completed on the KDS.
Recalled Orders Appear Indicates where orders that have been recalled appear when this profile is in use. The options are:
  • In front - the order is displayed in front of the first order.
  • In Original Position - the order is displayed in its original position before it was bumped.
Sound On New Order Indicates whether a sound is prompted when a new order appears on the KDS.
Done Orders Appear Indicates where orders that are done appear when this profile is in use. The options are:
  • In Original Position - the order is displayed in its original position before it was bumped
  • In front - the Order is displayed in front of the first order
Clear Served Items from Chit Applies when the Serve Button is used. If enabled, the items which are served from within a chit disappear on the chit. They will, however, still be visible in the Serve Pane which appears when the serve button is pressed. Note: When an order is Recalled, all items reappear.
Time Until Force Bump From Station Only applies when Display Station Type Customer Facing Display is used.

This sets the time, in minutes, for how long the KOT should be displayed on the customer facing display. It will be bumped automatically when the time has passed. If the value is 0, the KOT will not be bumped automatically and the user needs to bump it manually.