Display Station Type, KDS Display Station

This field indicates whether the display station is a preparation or an expeditor display station or if is a printer. The options are:

Preparation Station - items displayed as lines
Expeditor - a view of the KOT with its lines. Confirms the KOT as served when bumped.
Windows Printer
Secondary Expeditor - a view of the KOT with its lines. Does not confirm the KOT as served when bumped.
OPOS Printer
Customer Facing Display - a view for the customer, to see if order is served.
CFD Preparation - Shows the orders that are being processed
KDS Printer - Tells the system to send the printed KOT to the KDS to be printed there. Recommended if the KOT is printed on many printers.
Upcoming Orders - Shows orders that are due to be processed in the future. Usually in connection with delivery or takeout when orders are placed to be picked up or delivered later

Tip:There are two ways for an order to receive the status Served:

  • The active KOT is bumped on an expeditor display station. A Secondary Expeditor display station does not change the order status to Served.
  • The waiter opens the table in the POS to confirm that the order is OK. Note that this only takes place if the KOT is not displayed on an Expeditor display station.