Setting Up Dining Areas

The Dining Area contains the settings for a dining area in the restaurant.

You assign a dining area to a hospitality type that manages dining tables.

The dining area is set up depending on which layout view (graphical or grid) it is used for, whether guests are requested, and whether seating capacity is in use.

To set up dining areas

  1. Go to the Dining Areas page, and click New to insert a new dining area with an ID and description.
  2. You can apply a template by clicking Actions, and then Functions - Apply Template.
  3. Refer to the field help for Dining Area for more information.

To share the same dining area

Two or more hospitality types can share the same dining area. The same dining tables are opened up when you select these hospitality types. Each dining table has item entries registered to all these hospitality types. The transaction on a dining table is registered to the starting hospitality type. The items of the transaction are registered to the hospitality type where the dining table was opened.

The following applies to hospitality types sharing the same dining area:

  • The types must have the same service flow.
  • The types have the same Sharing Sales Type Filter. This filter is used by the system to filter on orders registered to all the sales types when listing orders for the hospitality type selected.

Note: The system constructs this filter automatically when validating the dining area for the hospitality type.

See also

Adjusting the Appearance and Info on Dining Table Buttons

Setting Up the Dining Area for Dining Allocation