Setting Up the Dining Area for Dining Allocation

To run dining table allocation, you need to configure some default settings and behavior in case of reservations overlapping. You can also select styles for the dining table list and the waiting list in the Dining Allocation panel.

To set up the dining area

  1. Go to the Dining Areas page.
  2. Double-click the dining area that includes dining table allocation.
  3. Click Process - Apply Template.
  4. Select the DA-ALLOC template. This template sets most of the fields required for allocation.
  5. On the Allocation and Reservation FastTab, fill in the fields according to tooltips on the page.

Note: The Days Din. Res. History Entries Exist field specifies how many days the dining reservation history entries exist in the database. The size of this table can get very large and it is recommended to archive this table regularly.

Note: It is also highly recommended to calculate dining area statistics regularly to reduce the size of the tables involved.

See also

Setting Up Dining Duration

Allocating Tables to Reservation and Walk-in Entries