Free Tbl. Max. Time Wait (Min), Dining Area

This field contains how many minutes guests can be expected to wait for a specific dining table to become available.

This field is used by the system when it checks for overlapping and tries to find a time when the table will be available. The system stops its search when this maximum time has been reached and the table is still not available.

Example: A reservation entry has reservation time at 20.00. When trying to allocate table 2, the system finds there is another reservation for this table at 19.30 for 90 minutes. This field is set to 70 minutes so it checks whether the table is available at 21.00. It does have a reservation at 21.00 for an hour. But at 22.00, when the table might be available again, the guests would have to wait 120 minutes which is more than the limit in this field. Therefore, the system stops searching and claims the dining table is not available (the actual action the system takes depends on the Overlapping on Table option set). It is possible to change the reservation time of the entry to let the system check further in the future or try allocating another table.