Overlapping on Table, Dining Area

This field indicates how the system acts when during allocation or seating a reservation/waitlist entry, a dining table already has a reservation that overlaps with the reservation time of the entry being allocated or seated.

You can allow overlapping, you can give the user a warning if the overlapping is over the warning limit (Warn if More than (Min.)) and you can prevent overlapping if it is more than the prevention limit (Prevent if More than (Min.)).

The options are:

  • No Restrictions - the system takes no action and does not check for overlapping
  • Warn - the system displays a confirmation window where you have a choice to go ahead or not
  • Warn & Prevent - if the overlapping is over the warning limit but not greater than the prevention limit, the system displays a confirmation window where you have a choice to go ahead or not. If over the prevention limit and the system can suggest a different reservation time, it displays a confirmation window where you can choose this time or not. Otherwise the system will not allow the allocation or seating.
  • Prevent - if the system can suggest a different reservation time, it displays a confirmation window where you can choose this time or not. Otherwise the system will not allow the allocation or seating.