Distribution List

The Distribution List table contains the distribution for a record in a table that has an entry in the Table Distribution Setup table.

Distribution affects the system by dictating the replication of data from one Distribution Location to another when the replicating with the replication method By Actions. When replicating to a location, the replication process looks only at actions for a record that has location distribution that includes the location being replicated to. The process checks whether the Location Group Filter of the action is a part of the Store Group for the Scheduler job.

If the table's Distribution Type is All Default, Master Default or Table Default, the program creates a default distribution for the record after you insert it and fill in necessary fields in the record. It creates an entry or entries in this table for the table record, depending on the table's distribution type. You can change here the default distribution for the record. If the distribution type is Specific, you need to select here a specific distribution for the record, the program does not create any distribution automatically.

If the table's distribution type is All or By Master Only, the program also creates an appropriate distribution for the record in the table. You cannot change this distribution here.

Note - You cannot enter anything into the Distribution List table if the table involved has no entry in the Table Distribution Setup table or if its distribution type in the setup is All, By Master Only or No Distribution.

You use Distribution Group and Distribution Subgroup to create an entry for a table record in the Distribution List table.

When you add an entry to the Distribution List table, the program creates an Action with Table No. as the Table ID and Key as . The Action's Location Group Filter is the Store Group and Distrib. Subgroup Code combined.

When you delete an entry from the Location Distribution table, the program creates a Delete action in the same way as above.

When you add or delete an entry in the Distribution List table for a table that is the Master Table ID for other tables which have Distribution Type By Master Only or Master Default, the program performs the same changes to the Distribution List entries for these tables. The field Default Distr. Chg. Mess. in the Retail Setup table controls whether the program shows a confirmation message window when changing the distribution of a table with Distribution Type Master Default.

Be aware of the consequences of deleting an entry in the Distribution List table for an item. If you are replicating data from head office to stores, deleting a distribution list entry causes the deletion of the item in the databases of all locations included in that location distribution list. If the item has already been sold in the store, that is, a transactions and/or ledger entries exist for the item, you might want to consider blocking the item in the store instead of changing its distribution. Otherwise the replication process deletes the item and leave entries behind for a non-existing item. If you are not replicating data, changing location distribution on sold items does not cause problems.