Default Distr. Chg. Mess., Scheduler Setup

A checkmark in this field indicates that the program gives you a confirmation message when you change the Distribution List for a record in a table, causing the same location distribution change in tables that have this table as a Master Table ID table and Distribution Type Master Default.

Note - When you make this change in the table, the program changes the location distribution for the underlying tables in the same way as the for the master table.

When the distribution type is By Master Only, the program performs exactly the same changes as the location distribution needs to be the same for the Master table and the tables underneath.

The purpose of this field is to be a reminder of the location distribution structure you have chosen, when you are starting to use the system. It is not practical to have this field marked in a large database where you are using location distribution type Master Default.

Example - An item has distribution type Master Default, and Item Group as Master table. This means that the item has the same distribution as the Product Group it belongs to, but you can change it. Product Group A is available in two stores, 1 and 2. When you created item 10 in Product Group A, it received this same location distribution as Product Group A. Item 10 is not available in store 2 and therefore you changed the location distribution to be only in store 1.

Later, you add store 3 to the location distribution of Product Group A.

If this field is marked with a check mark, the program shows a confirmation message, asking you whether you want to change the location distribution for all items with Product Group A in the same way, that is, add store 3 to their location distribution. By choosing No, the program only adds store 3 to the location distribution of the Product Group. If this field is not marked with a check mark, the program automatically adds store 3 to the location distribution of all items in Product Group A. You need to select item 10 and delete store 3 from its location distribution to let it only be available in store 1.

If the Item table is a Master table for other tables with distribution type Master Default, the program also shows a confirmation message for each of these tables if you have chosen to change the location distribution for item in the example above and this field is marked with a check mark.