Hosp. Type Pop-up on Logon, POS Terminal

This field indicates whether the hospitality types visible by this terminal (the Sales Type Filter controls this) are displayed in a pop-up page after a staff member logs on to the POS. The options are:

  • No: A normal flow, no pop-up window appears and the staff can select the visible hospitality types from the Menu at the top of the Startup POS. The hospitality type that is selected on logon is controlled by the staff default sales type setup and the POS terminal default sales type.
  • Yes: A pop-up page appears after the staff has logged on. It contains a button per hospitality type visible on the POS terminal. If there is only one sales type visible for the POS Terminal, the pop-up does not appear. When pressing Cancel in the pop-up window the system selects a hospitality type in the same way as when no pop-up is shown.


A POS terminal shows two hospitality types, one of which is a bar selling drinks over the counter, and the other shows the dining tables in the bar. Normally, the staff uses the counter hospitality type that is acting like a retail POS (it opens up the Sales POS on Logon and stays in the Sales POS when a transaction is completed). Once in a while the staff needs to switch to the dining tables hospitality type when the guests want to sit at a dining table to order.

By selecting to have the hospitality types appear in a pop-up page on logon, the staff can easily decide right at logon which hospitality type they are going to work with. When they select to work with the over the counter one, the Sales POS opens immediately since it is marked as Open Sales POS on Logon.