LS Central 25.2 Release Notes

About This Release

Released - January 30, 2025

LS Central version 25.2 is built on Microsoft's update 25.3 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024, release wave 2.

For more details about this BC minor version see:

Quick links:

Important Notices! 

New or Enhanced Features

Fixed Issues


Important Notices! 

Breaking changes in release 25.2

There was a breaking change in Business Central 25.3 upon which LS Central 25.2 is built. Before you upgrade to BC 25.3, please make sure to upgrade LS Central to LSC 25.0.25, 25.1.13, or 25.2.0 first.

BC event OnBeforeGetDatabaseTableTriggerSetup was removed in Business Central 25.3.

The LS Central release plan

  • We will release new features for LS Central in two major release waves every year – scheduled for April and October, coinciding with the general availability of Business Central Release Wave 1 & 2. Our partners will be granted access to a feature-complete release candidate five to six weeks ahead of time.
  • We will continue to release new events and hotfixes on a weekly basis and cumulative updates as needed.

  • Minor versions will be made available depending on the availability of the minor update from Microsoft.

  • In SaaS, we will support the last minor version of the current major version and two back. With this release of LS Central 25.2 we will support 24.1 and 23.1, other and previous versions will not be supported but an upgrade path will be maintained for versions as Microsoft does (see ).

We expect to follow this process for the 2024 wave 2 version, with an official release coinciding with the release of Business Central 2024 wave 2 from Microsoft.

New or Enhanced Features

LS Central Modules

Bookings for LS Central

New POS command to allow refunding activity and revert payment status without cancelling the activity

New POS command, REFUNDACTIVITY, was added to refund activity and restore the related payment statuses.


Online Help

In this version, the Implementation Guide in the LS Central Help has been significantly reorganized and updated.
The previous Processes section, for example, has been removed. Users who wish to refer to these deleted pages can still find them in older versions of the LSC Help, for example version 24.1.

POS Commands

The following POS command is new in LS Central 25.2:

REFUNDACTIVITY Bookings - is used to refund activity and restore the related payment statuses.

See POS Commands in the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands.

Fixed Issues

LS Central

58751 Web Replication error handling improvements

Web Replication has been extended to return more meaningful error messages.

55211 Large number of deadlocks from POS Post Utility and Member Posting Utility

SumIndex fields have been removed on key4, key5, key6, key14, and key15 on table LSC Trans. Sales Entry to reduce the size of the index tables and to reduce locking issues.

This has a performance impact on the Product Group by Store, Product Group Sales Lines, and Product Groups by Period pages. To solve performance issues on the pages, a ColumnStoreIndex was added in the Trans. Sales Entry table, and a query was created that uses the ColumnStoreIndex. The performance on the pages might be a little slower and the user might occasionally experience a performance drop for on-premises users running these pages.

LS Central Modules

Bookings for LS Central

55840 Dragging and dropping resource unavailability duplicates or does not remove the original one

Moving general unavailability for a particular resource in Week View is no longer possible.

58806 Assigning "Price per person" package offer items should assign additional items as "multiply per person")

When an activity package offer has a price-per-person assignment, then any additional items in the package offer get the Quantity multiplier setting as Per person in order for the package offer to calculate price correctly.

57886 Packages cannot be sold as prepaid allowance products

An issue has been fixed that occurred when pre-sold package offers were consumed or reserved and the pre-sell revenue was posted in advance. Previously, when a package offer was pre-sold, and when the customer made the reservation, the related lines in the reservation were not marked as paid, based on the issued allowance, as they should have been at confirmation. This caused the reservation to still have balance, when in fact it was all prepaid and should not have balance.

56601 Reservation assigned to an extra resource when moved inside the Matrix

When an activity product is assigned to specific resource according to the product resource requirements, you cannot drag & drop any of the related activities to a different resource, even if time/date rescheduling (using drag and drop)is allowed.

Also, when creating new activity from a specific resource from the matrix, the user cannot select any activity products with specific resource requirements that require a different resource than the currently selected one.

56355 When no availability the status should not be changed to confirm

When confirming a group reservation and there was no availability, a warning was issued, but the group reservation would still get status Confirmed. This has been corrected and the group reservation status in whole does not get a confirmation status.

55840 Dragging and dropping resource unavailability duplicates or does not remove the original one

Moving general unavailability for a particular resource on week view is no longer possible.

LS Central for hotels

60582 Tape Chart not showing activity times (0:00)

When hovering over reservations in the Tape Chart, the time of the activities is now displayed. Activities are also sorted on date, time, and description in ascending order. Activities that are in Draft state are shown in a red font.

60536 When adding a room to a group reservation it does not allow the user to create a new name on it

When adding a reservation to a group, the user can now write a new guest name on that reservation and a new member contact with this name will be created.

LS Central for pharmacies

56377 Write protect Quantity fields in Credit Order Line

The Quantity field in Prescription Credit line is now write protected.

55358 Investigate Get Lines in Prescription Credit Order

The Get Lines action in Credit Prescription sometimes showed no lines. This is fixed.


See the LS Central Help for information about hotfixes that have been released since the previous release.