How to: Recalculate Quantity on Stock

You can create a counting journal in advance by using, for example, the Get Items action or by importing text files. Then later, a counting is performed and you enter quantities in the journal.

The adjustments are made based on the the difference between the Qty. (Phys. Inventory) and Qty. (Calculated) columns. The calculated quantity is based on the Posting Date which was entered when the list was created, but the end date of counting might be more accurate. Therefore, you can recalculate the Qty. (Calculated) column based on a new Posting Date.

  1. Open Store Inventory Worksheets.
  2. Select a worksheet of the Type Counting that you wish to recalculate, and click the press Edit Journal action.

  3. Click the Recalculate Lines action:

  4. Enter a new Posting Date, and click OK.

Qty. (Calculated) has been recalculated according to the new posting date. All lines are updated according to the new values.