Example 5 - Periodic Discount Triggered by "Amount to Trigger"

In this example the amount 40 is entered in the Amount to Trigger field on a Discount Offer. This means that you must buy items for 40 or more to trigger this Discount Offer on the POS and get a 25% discount.

On the POS we first enter item 40120, Floral Blouse Tim-n Tina Wear. This item is in the Discount Offer Tim-n Tina Wear for 40 - 25% off displayed above.

No discount is triggered if you only buy one piece of this item because the price is less than 40.

If item 40130,Velvet Jacket Tim-n Tina Wear, is added which is also a part of the Discount Offer, Tim-n Tina Wear for 40 - 25% off the offer is triggered and a 25% discount is given off both items.